The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

It’s pretty obvious that Hunter got a ridiculously cushy job as a political favor for Joe Biden. Why Republicans don’t hammer away at that instead of running with crack pipes and Qanon pedo conspiracy derp is a mystery to me. I still don’t understand what the fuck is supposed to be on the laptop and I follow this shit more closely than 95% of America.

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Yeah, that’s me too. I feel a lot better now.

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Why wouldn’t they want to go to trial?

I can think of only two reasons why this man has yet to be charged with any crimes. One is the theory from the defeatist “woe is me” crowd that Garland is simply too chicken shit to indict a former president. Maybe he doesn’t want to rock the boat and put the country thru such turmoil. I personally don’t buy that. It would require him thinking it’s possible for someone to be above the law and I don’t think that he does

What’ much more likely in my opinion is that he has a much different concern. The one where the old adage says that if you go after the king you best not miss. Could be he’s afraid of swinging and missing and the damage that could cause to the country. Therefore, he’s taking his time making sure no stone is left unturned and that every potential technicality has been assessed, accounted for, and analyzed, before committing. I also agree with Riverman to charge every single crime making it more likely that enough will stick

As to what happens if convicted, I still say it’s unlikely (but not impossible) that he’ll ever see the inside of a prison

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That’s it exactly, I think. Hunter got a cush job on some Ukrainian energy board that was clearly unqualified for. It’s clearly retail corruption.

The crack pipe stuff is just horrible politics. Oh, does Biden’s son have a drug problem? No way Biden’s team can spin that into a relatable message for regular people in the Rust Belt.

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Good news(?), I was wrong!
Why are people so mean?” is real, he just shitposted soooo much I didn’t see it.


Let me know when holding leaders to the standards of their failsons is a universally held standard rather than something being weaponized selectively against enemies only.

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They don’t want to go after Hunter getting cushy jobs due to his father’s influence because they want to be able to do the same with their own failsons.


Wait, I can read his Truth Social feed without an account? Bingo!

In a saner universe this is definitely the answer, but in this batshit iteration we all know they could do something 10x more brazen and it wouldn’t matter at all.

Hell, their preferred means of confession is by accusing others of the crimes they’ve committed.

Nobody cares about the specific crime. They simply are looking for a new reason to hate.

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You probably remember this:

The media pretty much went along with this. As a couple of examples, contributor Jason Johnson on MSNBC called it “so obviously a Russian operation” and Ali Velshi on the same network went so far as to say this:

The president was reportedly warned that his personal attorney, former New york City mayor Rudy Giuliani, was the target of a Russian intelligence operation, a story that is unraveling to reveal allegations of disinformation, dirty tricks and a federal probe over Russian efforts to disparage Joe Biden.

The laptop had first been given to the FBI back in December 2019. Third-party security experts were able to authenticate emails on it without anything like the resources the intelligence community has. I have a very hard time believing that “probably a Russian disinfo op” was the best assessment of the intelligence community circa October 2020. I think they (correctly) viewed Trump as a national security risk and wanted to kill the story.

I think how to ethically report on the story was a tough assignment for the media and ultimately think treating it as a non-story was the correct thing to do. But when right-wingers say there was a Deep State effort to kill the story which was uncritically promulgated by the media it’s hard to disagree.

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Totally fine! I love that they included pictures in this one.

I just skimmed the bold. They found lots of new classified shit. They found it more than one place.

They clearly lied (ahem obstructed) about returning all the documents.

We are done reviewing. No need for a Special master. Dude doesn’t even have standing. SCOTUS already ruled executive privilege doesn’t belong to FPOTUS and POTUS already waived it.

So there.

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as if MAGA offers some alternate to the Deep State. they’re an advertisement for it

I wish I could’ve seen Trump when he saw they included that picture. Come on stroke, come on!

We got him?

trump fbi search

“diligent search”

Amazing that even when critical national secrets are literally exposed they have to pretend and go through a charade as if there was a chance Trump and Co. were acting in good faith

This is from Wikipedia. Fact is, Hunter graduated from Yale Law school and is more qualified than 98% of people who serve on corporate boards.

After graduating from law school in 1996, Biden accepted a consultant position at the bank holding company MBNA, whose employees donated more than $200,000 into Joe Biden’s senate campaigns.[7][16] MBNA’s hiring of Biden was controversial because his father had pushed for credit card legislation which was beneficial to the credit card industry and was supported by MBNA during Biden’s time at the bank.[17][18] The legislation made it more difficult to get bankruptcy protection.[18] This led to Byron York of National Review referring to Joe Biden, years later, as “the senator from MBNA” referencing the close relationship between the two.[19][20] By 1998, Hunter Biden had risen to the rank of executive vice president at MBNA.[7] Biden departed from MBNA in 2001.[18] He then left to serve at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton’s administration.[21] Biden then became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[22] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker , Biden and his father established a relationship in which “Biden wouldn’t ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn’t tell his father about them.”[7]

Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006.[23] Biden was the board’s vice chairman from July 2006 until 2009; he was replaced as Vice Chairman in January[24] and resigned from the board in February,[25] shortly after his father became vice president. Biden said during his father’s vice-presidential campaign that it was time for his lobbying activities to end.[7

Not saying people who hired him weren’t hoping for special access, but it’s not like he’s a Jared Kushner or Trump scion who’s wholly unqualified.

He previously served on the board of Amtrak after being appointed by George Bush.

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“serious question” sounds…wgh?