The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Don’t know if this is new information, but I hope his legal team doesn’t expect to get paid

I think some of these people just want to get in Trump’s favor so that if the Republicans succeed at tearing down US democracy then they will get a plum role in the new ethnofascist police state. It’s probably fun to be a powerful Nazi (for a while).




WE GOT HIM!!!^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1563619159413559296|twgr^03130782b059f07a974da01fcbd5c97fc75d0dfe|twcon^s1_&

The “Why are people so mean?” one’s fake but he’s going on a Truth tear currently:

Why are people so mean?” is real, he just shitposted soooo much I didn’t see it.

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This is why we need Trump bot.

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The deal that people think Ford may have made with Nixon was a pardon in exchange for making him VP and potentially president.

With a normal person, what you do is overcharge and use the threat of a lot of jail time as an incentive to agree to a deal, which in Trump’s case should be a fine and probation with no time behind bars. A sane, rational person might reject that deal if he believes he can win or maybe decide that pleading is cheaper than paying his lawyers to fight it all the way. Trump seems inclined to fight it, may even think that his day in court helps him politically. Trump refusing to a agree to some sort of deal might be the rational strategy if we apply game theory to this.

Garland is an institutionalist who wants what is best for the Department of Justice, consistent with a vision that the pursuit of justice ought to be political. He would want to try this case if he believes doing so would be in the best interests of that vision. The calculus for that involves many variables, including the probability of success.

I would give serious thought to issuing a document along the lines of the Comey letter. Lay out a case for why Trump is guilty, then say that out of respect for the office of the presidency, they are exercising prosecutorial discretion to not charge him at this time, while reserving the option to charge him later if he doesn’t behave. Pretend to be apolitical while all the while fucking him over by taking away the presumption of innocence without giving a trial and the surrounding media coverage as a platform to say whatever he wants.

I can’t believe that after a lifetime with the Lord JFC that Trump picked now of all times to turn his back on him.


I’ve always had a bit of a crush on her.

Me too. I only tried one, though. I was setting up an account so goofy could make a Trump truth bot, but I was blocked at that step.

I’m suprised that there isn’t an option to authnticate using your bank account login


Did you try your SSN?

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Interestingly, I’ve gotten into a couple of Hunter laptop discussions in the past week. I guess there is a revival on this topic.

Can anyone recommend a good article that outlines the bullshit and the problems with it? I have forgotten the details, so I’m not as good at calling out the bullshit as I was even 6 months ago.

When there was only one set of footprints, that was when Trump carried Him


As far as I can tell he is a drug addict who probably did all kinds of shady shit for money but there is zero indication Joe Biden ever did anything remotely improper.

There is nothing on the laptop of interest aside from images and videos of Hunter smoking crack and getting his dick sucked. There are some emails where Hunter offers to peddle Joe’s influence but no evidence Joe knew about this or that it actually happened.

On the other hand the allegation that there was a de facto conspiracy by the Deep State and elements of the media to pretend the laptop wasn’t real is absolutely true. Cry me a river that your Dirty Tricks Department October surprise was countered with another play from the Dirty Tricks Department.

Thanks. That’s what I was looking for.

I don’t remember the media pretending it was not real. I do remember a lot of questions about the chain of custody of the laptop, though. I probably need to go back and read some stuff.

I think chain of custody is def up for debate and there were indicators that emails on it had been doctored possibly

Edit: or that emails that were purported to have come from it were doctored

Correct, and it was proven the Trumpkins indeed added stuff to the laptop:

Further, the Trumpkins were completely making shit up whole cloth like they did with Hillary and Pizzagate.

“You should assume everything that guy said is bullshit and not trust a word he says until given concrete evidence” was not only the smart way to deal with these idiots, it was also the journalistically correct way.