The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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If the Trump era has taught me anything, it’s how incredibly fragile our government apparatuses are. They held in place to survive a single Trump term and prevent a coup, but I don’t think they can survive a next time. We’re lucky af it was Trump and not a more intelligent and competent villain

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So it looks like the Trumpy Maga Judge is going to grant Trumps motion for a Special Master. I can’t quite grasp how that will possibly work. This isn’t like the Cohen situation where you can appoint some retired judge to go through and make sure nothing is privileged. You’re talking about appointing someone who will be reviewing documents that purportedly contain some of this country’s most closely guarded secrets…. Like, there’s a reason we have a FISA court where the judges themselves have security clearances.

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People have been making nearly this exact post for years now. Glad you’ve finally arrived there yourself.

Is there is a court in which DOJ can appeal this decision and/or get an injunction?

Sure, the 11th Circuit Court, and ultimately the Supreme Court. But given the makeup of all these courts now, I’m not sure they’ll succeed.

Wait what?

Nothing matters.


Was this after he was FPOTUSed?


Reference is to his time in office from his director of comm

Boxes of documents even came with Trump on foreign travel, following him to hotel rooms around the world — including countries considered foreign adversaries of the United States.

“There was no rhyme or reason — it was classified documents on top of newspapers on top of papers people printed out of things they wanted him to read. The boxes were never organized,” Grisham said. “He’d want to get work done on long trips so he’d just rummage through the boxes. That was our filing system.”


Literally kangaroo courts at this point.

Wait what? This is the president who famously doesn’t read his PDB and somehow we are supposed to believe he’s reading sensitive Intel on foreign trips and not just mainlining fox news?


Yeah this and only this.

We know every single MAGA dipshit will either never come across this info, or they will just read it and yell “FAKE NEWS” with their fingers in their ears. And because they are the GOP’s core constituency, the smarter, but at least as shitty, politicians who represent them will have to defend him. And they will win because the blue team is feckless.

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Yeah, exactly. I don’t think he reads anything longer than twitter posts. The “homework” excuse doesn’t make sense either. Sure, its possible you could bring home something from the office, but you’d bring it back the next day, wouldn’t you think?

This is all so stupid. We all know he’s not reading or studying. He took them to sell. Full stop.


That’s not necessarily true, there may also have been some bartering.

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Maybe there’s a White House cartoonist that converted the cable text into panel comics.

Could have also just given them away. He likes to show off.


Seems like the right special master is a FISA court judge or attorney.

Also it’s starting to seem like a mortal lock this idiot sold secrets.


I would agree with the actual sale of secrets being the shoe that hasn’t dropped yet. I think it will eventually.