The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Such high variance though with him gone media will slurp literally every Republican for not being him

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If thereā€™s high suspicion he compromised intelligence assets, I think he actually gets charged and maybe faces some consequences. The more interesting part will be to see the line that FNC and his supporters take on ā€œTrump compromised US assets and resulted in them being killed.ā€ My main prediction is that it doesnā€™t move the needle much! We prefer the spies that werenā€™t captured (due to Trumpā€™s negligence).


Saw a video a few weeks ago that Trump was preparing a new, larger plane. The paint job was done.

I want to say Trump has visited Saudi Arabia and Scotland since he left office.

The way this should go is that DoJ offers Trump a plea deal for a misdemeanor, a fine, and no jail time, like what Petraeus and Berger got. Iā€™d be fine with that outcome.

Of course, Trump is likely to reject that offer in so public and disdainful of a manner that the DoJ will feel obligated to go trial.

Any plea bargain would obviously have to include a ban on running for federal office again. I can definitely see them trying to negotiate a way to avoid a trial.

I donā€™t think a plea deal should include that condition. I would look for a deal that gives him a few years probation and puts a gag order on him about talking about the case that puts him in jail if he violates the order.

Meh. You have to remember the nature of the offense imo. You canā€™t allow any potential for him to be near classified material again.

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this is a bit of wishful reporting. you can look up the tail numbers and see who photographed it when. according to plane spotters, it was seen in both newark and tampa in 2018-2019.

Do people here really think a rich and connected person canā€™t leave the USA whenever he wants? Donā€™t need a passport to get out, just access to a helicopter and a buddy with a big enough boat to land it on. Even entering most other countries is trivial that way and you wonā€™t get checked.

Apparently they do.

The real issue is where do you go? Itā€™s Russia and nobody else right now.

I for one would love to see the political fallout from Trump fleeing to Russia over being a straight no chaser traitor.

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This stuff can be shared in places like the oval office, and sometimes Trump swiped stuff and took it to the residence part of the WH. No one really packed because he was planning on doing a coup, and packing is admission of defeat. So come Jan 19 or whatever movers just threw the shit into boxes.

Like everything with Trump, there was no process, only incompetence from top to bottom

Like, did anyone expect Truth Social to be run better than a lemonade stand? By Nunes? Lol. It was a smash and grab like everything else.


Thatā€™s what the French said when Napoleon was sent to Elba.

Trump is no Napoleon thankfully. Seriously heā€™s way older and unlike Napoleon heā€™s a fucking moron.

The UAE or Dubai would never take him fwiw. No one who wants normal relations with the US is going to take him. Right now his best/only bet is Russia.

In terms of hand size they are comparable.


Heā€™s not going anywhere. This is a guy who owed banks hundreds of millions of dollars he didnā€™t have and was out on something like a $250k per month ā€œallowance.ā€ A guy who has been committing tax fraud his entire adult life. Who led a motherfucking coup attempt. He doesnā€™t think anything is going to happen to him because nothing ever has.


If you talk Trump then he can go anywhere. He has his passport and money so he can travel outside the USA indefinitely. If you talk someone that is actually charged with something and runs then you are limited to non extradition countries. Some decent ones among them especially if you are rich.
If Trump runs after getting charged and the USA does want him back then even he has countries that would take him. If he still has his rich friends with boats then he doesnā€™t even officially go to one. Just visit the ones without extradition when you want some time on shore.

Coast Guard, like Bannon. They have long range ships if needed.

Send the navy seals after a yacht owned by someone like a Saudi prince would be interesting. No idea what international law says about boarding a ship in international waters to capture a fugitive but I assume the USA has the fuck you defense anyway if they did it.
My biggest question in this would be how secret service protection works. Can he tell them to go away? Can they arrest him?