The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

When flying on a private jet, you will follow entirely different safety procedures from those flying commercial. This means that you do not have to pass through TSA and deal with the frustrating process. Private jet passengers take off from a different part of the airport than commercial passengers. When flying private, the process involves passing through either a small checkpoint on the runway or what is called a Fixed Base Operator (FBO). This area is rarely crowded and allows for a quick safety check for you and your group.

By flying private, you can save yourself the hassle of taking off your shoes and going through metal detectors. Because you are flying private, you do not have to worry about issues like unruly fellow passengers or other passengers on board risking your safety. You can expect to go through a far quicker and far less-invasive safety check. You should also expect to have to show your ID and other necessary documentation before boarding your plane.

My bad i said customs and every detail is nitpicked here

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So how does it work if his pilot says “We’re going to NYC” and then pilot changes course mid air?

If he is supposedly flying domestic, he doesn’t need a passport at all.

Does anyone actually think anything would happen if he got on his jet and went off to Dubai? What are we even talking about here? The man walked out with the NOC list and we’re wondering if US Customs will enforce their laws against him.

What happens if he were to attempt to do so now? Do we think he’d be able to just board a flight to Moscow or Saudi Arabia next week if he wanted to?

This was the original goalpost ^

Now fuck off

Well, that escalated quickly. Not sure what is getting you all bothered, I was just asking a question. If you know the answer, that would be great. If not, that’s fine too.

Yes. Yes he definitely could.

I’m still not clear on how he actually got the documents to MAL. It sounds like some of them are only viewable in a SCIF. If some govt official brought the docs to MAL for a legitimate briefing, had custody of them, and then at the end Trump’s like, “Just leave those super classified docs here I got it” isn’t that a HUGE RED FLAG there? Obviously everyone’s too chickenshit to do or say anything but it would be on their radar. Or did he send one of his cronies like Kash Patel into whatever building the high-level classified documents are stored in SCIFs so he could jam a bunch of them into boxes and walk out? These documents are supposedly very intensely protected; just yet another baffling and stupid govt procedure failure? I’m unclear on very basic elements of this whole story.

Ya I’m super concerned about being in the “in group” here LMFAO.

I’m not sure, but I thought this was stuff he collected over time and it was just packed up by his staff then moved by the GSA, who weren’t expecting super secret stuff to be in with the rest of his crap.

This just makes the case he could sneak away and seek asylum ala Snowden. Not that it would be okay or wouldn’t be in trouble if he did so

Read your response again and tell me if it sounds like you’re referring to someone who got away with it all

no he doesn’t

after he won and got access to AF1, the big TRUMP 757 just sat and rusted at laguardia, not sure what happened to it but since leaving office he’s been flying to rallies on small bizjets that IIRC are either chartered or owned by donors/buddies/cronies/co-conspirators

I honestly have no idea what we’re trying to discuss here. You don’t think he could fly out of the country tomorrow (like literally tomorrow Aug 28)? Why not? He hasn’t been charged with anything? If I remember correctly he has his passport. What do you think is stopping him.

Thanks. I didn’t know that. So the big Trump plane can’t fly anymore?

What’s the range on these small biz jets? Can they get from Miami to Moscow?

I know we are in fantasy land here but Trump in front of a heavily black DC jury makes me tingle.

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Well, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. The thought of that is as close as you’re gonna get.

I’m just trying to make the point that he’s already in huge trouble and things are likely only to get worse for him. The only question left in my mind is whether or not he can be tried as an adult

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If Trump wanted to escape on a private jet, his name would get sent to CBP at least an hour prior to departure, assuming his pilot is following all the rules.

If the government has reached the point where they won’t allow Trump to leave the country (lol) it will get flagged here and he’ll be stopped prior to leaving.

They would also file an international flight plan, diverting “unplanned” from a domestic flight to an international destination is not allowed. If you get to another country’s airspace without a flight plan on file they’re going to have questions about wtf you’re doing and have someone meet you at your destination when you don’t have any good answers.

If you were going to help facilitate his escape I imagine you’d still want to file the flight plan, you just wouldn’t submit his name to CBP. And avoid using an aircraft he’s known to fly on. It wouldn’t be hard but he would need to find an accomplice pilot who also doesn’t mind never returning to the US.


Im perfectly fine with Trump fucking off to UAE or Dubai and never stepping foot in the US again, that’s an outcome that im willing to take


If Trump tries to leave the country, Dark Brandon will shoot him down with his laser eyes. No need to worry.