The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Meanwhile in the land of Hopium

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Who do you imagine is going to stop him?

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I missed this doozy yesterday from John ā€œWaterboardā€ Yoo

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Iā€™m almost at the point where I would refuse to ever hire anyone with a Harvard degree.


I think itā€™s an interesting question. How does the DoJ let someone under investigation for espionage leave the country? My guess is heā€™d be stopped and it would force their hand immediately

Edit: This is what I donā€™t think many truly grasp. Heā€™s probably been under close surveillance for a while and is NOT being treated as someone who is innocent and will get away with it all

This. 2016-2020 are irrelevantā€”they were not going to indict the sitting president. So we have 2021-present. Shit has happened since then that indicates things are changing. In particular, the FBI conducted a search of his home pursuant to the friggen espionage act.

As Iā€™ve said, I donā€™t assert that itā€™s a lock that he gets indicted, but I canā€™t understand spiking the ball on its ā€œnever gonna happenā€ at this point. You donā€™t know that.

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And this sort of thing is just in-group signaling. Youā€™re just showing that you know that a majority of this board thinks it will never happen. That doesnā€™t make it correct.

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I worked with a grad student during my last quarter of college who got her undergrad from Harvard. She hated it and had only bad things to say and chose her grad school once she narrowed it down to her top 3 choices mostly based on which was the least snobby because of her time there. Iā€™m sure sheā€™d agree with this.

The sooner you accept that Trump is above the law, the sooner it will all make sense.


i imagine in order to leave the country, heā€™d have to notify secret service. in advance if he wanted protection while traveling.

Board a flight? Heā€™s got his own jet.

What is the difference between ā€œattempt to chargeā€ and ā€œchargeā€?

Pretty sure his jet is parked @ an airport, and he would have to clear customs in some manner?

My money is on he is charged because his sociopathy wonā€™t let him let anthing go.

He will force them to indict , if he would stfu and lay low, they would let it go.

If thereā€™s a way for Biden to pardon him (after conviction) that keeps him out of jail/house arrest but somehow keeps the condition that Trump is ineligible for future federal office, I could see Joe doing that, even pushing for it.

You know what I mean lol :roll_eyes:

Do you think he could he go abroad tomorrow if he wanted to?

No legal way for this to happen. Trump could conceivably run for president from jail.

I have no idea how all this works for private jets, but I tend to think of clearing customs as something that happens upon arrival at the destination (there are of course exceptions, like flying to US from Toronto).

So, ā€œclearing customsā€ is only an issue if you are worried about Russia and Saudi Arabia not taking him. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a problem.

At any rate, if he really wanted to he could just say heā€™s flying to NYC. Have his pilot take him to Cuba and then one of Putinā€™s cronies can take him to Russia. Or maybe just cut out that intermediate step and just fly straight there. Unless the Air Force is willing to shoot down his plane, it seems pretty unstoppable.

Me neither. I think there is some difference between a prosecutor charging and a grand jury indicting, but I donā€™t really know. Maybe a lawbro can help us out.

See my response to Papa Smurf above