The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

gina carano got fat


Donā€™t care, still kinda hot for her.

Your pony was shot at sunrise for slow spying.


A great question.

That trailer makes Hunter look pretty cool.


I think if I were Trump and had stolen top secret shit and got called out for it, my immediate impulse would have been to shred everything and come out all ā€œDocuments? What documents? I have no documents!ā€


Dude, I really donā€™t know what you guys are talking about. Thereā€™s only one way he doesnā€™t get indicted and thatā€™s if Garland makes the monumental miscalculation that doing so would be worse for the country than not. And based on everything heā€™s said so far, there is zero reason to think that

You guys are the ones lost in the Overton window shift. You are so used to him not being held accountable that you honestly think nothing will happen now even though he is caught dead to rights committing some of the most serious crimes against the country possible

Trump is going down as are many of his cronies. I give it a 3% chance he doesnā€™t get indicted and 0% chance his cronies donā€™t. The defeatist attitude here is shameful and completely useless in a fight to save democracy


Paging @SweetSummerChild. He is never being held accountable for anything heā€™s done. Everyone has been breathlessly sure he was going to be indicted after each one of these episodes.

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This is absolutely correct.

This is not.

Please tell me what I can do to make Trump more likely to face consequences. I doubt my shitposting on unstuck is going to move the needle one way or another.


I actually agree with your Overton window theory. We need to demand justice and the more we do, the more likely it will happen. What good does wringing our hands crying ā€œweā€™re all doomedā€, do?

I think you have to write off the years when Trump was in the White House. His own government was not going to indict him no matter what. Itā€™s true that Garland seems to be proceeding at a snailā€™s pace, but the same outcome is not a given imo. This case seems infinitely easier to prove than a charge of inciting an insurrection or trying to illegally overturn an election. Even without an indictment, the Republicans have already indicated theyā€™ll go after the FBI and Garland and Biden for no reason other than political vindictiveness. So you might as well prosecute.


Heā€™s gotten a way with a ton out of deference to being POTUS and the party of Republican traitors. But Republicans donā€™t have any say in what happens here. Heā€™s caught red handed with overwhelming damning evidence to incredibly serious crimes. This is very different

I agree there is a very small chance Garland passes. There is also a very small chance Fani Willis passes. But the chance they both pass are in the single digits at worst. Certainly less than 50%. So how is it reasonable to assume nothing will happen?

Weā€™ll see.

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The only thing Iā€™m unsure about is what happens once convicted. I doubt heā€™ll ever see the inside of a prison unless itā€™s solitary confinement. Itā€™s almost a Bin Laden situation where incarcerating him not only would give him martyr status, but might increase the danger from his fanatical sycophants. So I think some type of house arrest/home confinement is most likely and we all might get denied the perp walk everyone so wants to see

I was feeling confident trump might get got

Less confident now :)


Serious question: When was the last time Trump traveled abroad? (I honestly donā€™t know)

What happens if he were to attempt to do so now? Do we think heā€™d be able to just board a flight to Moscow or Saudi Arabia next week if he wanted to?

Lol Dershowitz:

ā€œThere is enough to indict Trump, but what Clinton did was worse, so they wonā€™t.ā€ Heā€™s right for the wrong reasons.