The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

An affront to honor calls for a duel.


Why would DOJ appeal? I thought DOJ said they were going to release it unless team Trump filed a motion to object?

That was the warrant, not the affidavit. The affidavit should give much more details on the type of case they are building.

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The hilarious part is that Trump is supposedly not privy to it yet. So they redacted version could be slantedā€¦. (And certainly thatā€™s what he will claim).

Heā€™s definitely not privy to it, SW applications are filed under seal. He has no idea what is in there.

DOJ has previously said that if ordered by Reinhart, it would propose redactions so extensive that it would render the search affidavit meaningless to the public. However, the department is also under pressure to reveal more details about the basis for taking the unprecedented step of executing a search warrant at the home of a former president. Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has acknowledged directly approving the search, has already recognized the unusual urgency of the matter, moving to unseal the search warrant itself, as well as two redacted receipts for property taken from Trumpā€™s estate.

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Trump apparently thought the legal Ironman suit that is the presidency stays with you after office.

He is yet to be proven wrong.


Trump wants to see the affidavit because it will help with his defense. Also figure out who the rat is. And which witnesses he needs to start tampering with. Hereā€™s hoping itā€™s a DOJ trap.

He ā€œwanted to see the affidavitā€ because itā€™s something he could complain about. It wonā€™t help his defense, at all, and it wonā€™t reveal the rat. The judge raised his eyebrows and said, ā€œask and ye shall receive.ā€ Looking forward to the shitstorm tomorrow.

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Ok, but does he know that? Heā€™ll be looking at it in the hope of finding some clue, and in any case, the basis for his next set of complaints.

I think this will be genuinely bad for him, worse than the Mueller Report. The affidavit will be credible and nasty.

Even in redacted form? :vince1:

I mean, itā€™s going to be so redacted as to be functionally meaningless and normies wonā€™t be able to read between the lines and will interpret however their favorite media outlet tells them to.


Iā€™m starting to think that Trump is going to find a way to fight this which gives DoJ no choice but to actually indict him. And it wonā€™t be because heā€™s some 11-dimensional chess player who wants to be indicted but because heā€™s dumb and his legal team is dumb and the people who are giving him legal advice are dumb.


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Do you have a Truth Social account?