The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

It feels almost required to have one just to see if the screenshots are real, I don’t think Riverman would have reTruthed that Trump Truth, though.

I mean, yeah, he thinks he can find something, but remember, he apparently has absolutely zero competent legal staff so the chances they actually do figure something out from this are pretty low and the chances he THINKS he finds something and then trips over his own dick are extremely high

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Lmao it was the kim letter

When it absolutely positively has to be reclassified overnight


that’s the best one I’ve seen - I followed a trump impressionist account, he got big fast, but got real friendly with trump and then the impressions became sycophantic rather than mocking him, and then his page quickly died.

The We Got Him crowd showing a lot of bravado tonight lmao


We need a “He is never getting indicted” in rainbow text.




Why has he not done this before?

Jamie Foxx in a Trump wig and a suit but otherwise unadorned sounding more like Trump than Trump for the SNL cold open is something that needs to happen.


Honestly, Jamie Foxx is one of the most criminally underutilized actors of the past 30 years, the man has unbelievable charisma coming out of every pore. He can sing, I bet he can dance, he’s an old school triple threat. He should have had a turn as James Bond back in the day.


Come on, ain’t no one casting an American as Bond.

If they went black, it should have been Idris. And he’s not that much younger than Foxx.

MSNBC hyping affidavit could be replaced “any moment”

They should really redact it so that it reads



I mean Jamie back in the day should have been Bond. I think I am on the record as saying Idris is just too damn old to be Bond. Sorry, middle-aged men who are reading this, the world needs a hot young Bond.

Just saying, Jamie Foxx is incredible and it sucks that he’s doing direct-to-Netflix B movies with Snoop Dogg. Man, I gotta rewatch Collateral, what a movie.

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I meant that if you were going to go with a black Bond “back in the day”, then Idris over Foxx easy.

Also, FWIW, he’s younger now than Daniel Craig was in No Time to Die.

I’m not disagreeing with you. Just saying…

Hes also one of the hottest men alive. Ill glady drop the young and take Idris as the hot in the James Bond cocktail

So Jamie Foxx is 54 years old and Idris Elba is 49 years old


But yeah if we could get 3 Bond movies as Elba as Bond, sign me the fuck up

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What would make people freak more, black James Bond or white bisexual James Bond?

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Bisexual Bond by a nose I’d think - people would be more openly (or maybe explicitly) critical.