The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

The hell of it is I have a pretty new xps 13 but Iā€™m afraid I might break it.

The z-key doesnā€™t stick in the down position. I press and nothing happens most of the time. Have to hit it an annoying number of times.

Another one!

Coco has already rescinded your ponyā€™s DOT registration, and shipped it in a container to a glue factory for causing a Depression.


I was on a flight when Trump was President where Eric was in coach. For anybody else I would view it as a noble character trait that he finds splurging for First Class unnecessarily, but I assume itā€™s more likely that heā€™s the child whoā€™s been told heā€™s not allowed to.

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People say he meant cuckoo, Elaine ā€œCuckooā€ Chao.

No this is a new one!


Ha almost the same as the other one

I feel like Amy McGrath didnā€™t make enough ads that directly attacked Elaine Chao.

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hey everyone RM is abot


i donā€™t spot any differences. wtf. truth social is trolling me?

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Lol I think it might be the same actually. No no no the last one ended with ā€œrich on chinaā€ stuff, I was right!

This could be an indication of Alzheimerā€™s. Whether on the part of Trump or riverman tbd.


Lol I remember Trump doing that a lot. Heā€™d tweet out some insane shit, then like 20 minutes later twee the same thing again with a couple different words changed that didnā€™t actually change anything.

Iā€™m not going to lie I really miss the bot for the metldowns.



ā€œThat information was illegally leaked, and is also fabricatedā€ is classic rock for them. Playing the hits!

Meanwhile Mitch wonā€™t even respond just to the attacks on his wife. Ultimo cuck party


Iā€™m not sure why thereā€™s a need for Mitch to respond. What is he supposed to say? YOU INSULT MY WOMAN YOU GO TO FAR DONNIE DUMB DUMB!

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I just want to see how Mitch reacts if a Democrat tells him to his face that Trump is right about his wife.

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