The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’d like to see old Donnie weasel his way out of this one!


This is the trick

A person directly involved in Trump’s legal defense noted – repeating parts in the filing – that the Presidential Records Act had no enforcement mechanism, even as they conceded that the justice department might pursue the privilege argument as a tacit admission.

Yeah, he illegally took stuff, but so what, there’s no penalty for that!

Can we put NSFL warnings on any future extreme close ups of Mitch?


obama took some ashtrays and pens from AF1! and EMAILS.

Reading about the destruction of the Whig party, mainly over the Kansas-Nebraska Act, there’s a decent argument that the death of a party requires that the party irrevocably split over some significant issue, not that it just loses popularity. Otherwise, the party just adapts, which is why the repubs. are nothing like the repubs of 1900 and the dems are nothing like the dems of 1900 but they still remain “repubs” and “dems”.

They seem pretty hopelessly split on being a part of the reality based community.

Barr memo re Mueller report. Something something something.

I don’t understand other than lawtwitter is all atwitter and I’m sure it’s a nothing burger. Barr was going to ignore the report no matter what. Not news.

I mean, in NY, the highest court appointed a special master who redrew the districts. Not sure exactly what else the dems could have done. To be fair, the court decision was absolutely correct, dems totally did a political gerrymander in violation of New York State Law. It’s just the republicans get away with it and we dont.

My dad, bless his liberal boomer heart, excitedly asked me this morning if I heard that they proved Barr lied about something or other. I told him I have zero fucks left to give until any of them actually face consequences, i.e. I’ll never have any to give ever.

Wait bedroom?

Spank bank of females PMs. And their daughters.

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Man. Its gonna be wild when Trump reveals some horrific shit the US state does and gets another of his “stopped clock is right twice a day” moments.

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Trump docs show Havana syndrome is real and caused by CIA



lol what if it’s hacked celebrity cell phones and the US intelligence agencies consider the fappening 3.0 to be one of america’s most closely guarded secrets




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So, it turns out Don King was our best shot:
"Grisham recounted the time when boxing promoter Don King, who had been one of Trump’s few celebrity supporters during his 2016 campaign, came to see him at Mar-a-Lago after Trump won the election and brought a gun with him. According to Grisham, aides around the Trump thought to themselves, “Who the hell shows up to Mar-a-Lago to see the president of the United States with a gun?”

But Trump didn’t have the same concerns.

“Secret Service said, ‘No you can’t come in,’” Grisham recalled. “And the president said, ‘No let him in, I don’t care.’”

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