The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

and here I remember when he tweeted spy plane pictures

but yeah now we’re in the weird of did he just take them because he thought he could or was he selling them or both (even though that shouldn’t matter lock him up)

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wasn’t this what everyone immediately thought was the case? of course he sold state secrets, lol. like i’d have been more surprised if he didn’t. in fact one of the only scenarios i see where he didnt sell them is him just giving them away for free because he’s really fucking awful at “deals.”

i’m so sure those friendly unrecorded chats with putin weren’t putin explaining to donny the dunce where the super special papers would be.

in 2022 i would not bat an eye if they had full smoking gun proof publicly announced that he committed full blown gnarly treason with this stuff and the response would still be “funny how youre this worked up about this but hillary still hasn’t been indicted for the emails”

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Why does this portion of cocaine mitch look so familiar?

SmartSelect_20220824-001038_Samsung Internet

Ohhhhhh I know…


Hahaha so it’s definitely something like having secret NSA backdoors on every piece of consumer electronics or some shit. That’s what they’d go hard in the paint to retrieve.

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And this is what the rebuttal needs to be for those trying to claim it’s some politically motivated witch hunt. Anyone else would’ve been cuffed and arrested on site. They showed Trump more deference than he deserved. They gave him every chance in the word to make things right and return what he shouldn’t have taken and he refused




This type of stuff is eyeroll.gif imo

Basing anything off random primaries is a waste of time. I’ll believe these paint-huffing imbeciles are sitting out when it actually happens.

if somehow democrats do hold both houses after the midterms, it’s gonna be GOP knives out for Trump, right? Nobody is going to be scared of Daddy anymore if they can’t win the house when Biden’s approval rating is -19.

The Dems aren’t giong to hold the House, but it’s not going to be because they got walloped in a red wave, it’s goign to be because they got really unlucky at the end with redistricting court decisions (NY was the final nail in the coffin probably). It certainly seems like they’re going to win the national congressional popular vote by a few points, probably at least 3 or 4, maybe more.

Also, I doubt anyone thinks this is about Trump. If the dems hold the house or come close to holding the house while also holding the Senate it is absolutely going to be abortion that did that. In the abstract I suppose that was because of Trump but I doubt many voters make that connection.

Who is bold enough to do that after Liz Cheney got clipped?

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Yeah, I think any Republican set backs will be met by demands for MORE TRUMPY!

A precedent is W Bush, who was like the most popular president ever at one point and now is completely down the memory hole. Try and find Republicans who will admit to being hyped for W, they’ll all deny it. Same thing may happen with Trump and the awvals of this world will insist they always hated him, but that’s going to take time.

Well now they have seen him being all chummy with Michelle Obama and thy KNOW he’s be a RINO all along. THAT’S SOCIALISM!

It’s not just luck, it’s fecklessness.

The GOP lost redistricting cases in Ohio and elsewhere and just said “fuck you.” They simply refused to change the maps. Of course Dems did the opposite.

It’s hard to say because the ability to win general elections and the ability to win primary elections are not the same thing. And if they lose in the midterms without Trump on the ballot, presumably he’ll say it was because they need him and his followers aren’t going anywhere either way. Party members that challenge him will lose primaries.

So, could be a death spiral for the party even as Dems are weak. One can hope.

It could even be a tragic death


So Trump is claiming the government can’t have these documents… because he stole them?

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sounds like WE GOT HIM is back on the menu, boys!


I think the issue here is that the original documents are the property of the US, but Trump has the copyright to the little doodles of nipples and dicks he drew in the margins.


We got him actually means we don’t.

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