The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



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Every eye roll gif in the world for the Lawbros gleefully giggling at the procedural errors. Oh man the judge owned him! Fuck off


ā€œMatt Gaetz is fucked!ā€

A few moments later


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Nearly a year later, on Jan. 17, 2022, Trump returned 15 boxes of newspaper clips, presidential briefing papers, handwritten notes and assorted mementos to the National Archives. That was supposed to settle the issue.

Instead, when Archives employees began opening up and sifting through the material, they noticed an immediate problem. The boxes arrived without any kind of logs or inventories to describe their content, according to person familiar with the recovery. Instead, they contained a hodgepodge of documents, including some that didnā€™t even come from Trumpā€™s time in the White House

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You can be admitted pro hac vice (translates to ā€œfor this occasion onlyā€). Itā€™s pretty standard and common. In many jurisdictions you still need a locally licensed lawyer to file the pro hac motion on your behalf (which is always granted so long as properly done). This is something that any first year litigator would know and should be able to do (as the judge mentioned, almost all courts have a sample you can just copy on their website).

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Does Trump even have an active security clearance? Do any of his lawyers or cronies? Heā€™s never seeing his precious top secret documents again.

But gonna need a certificate of good standing from your state bar. Could be an issue here. (j/k)

LOL all these stupid ass law rules. Itā€™s a complete con job and none of it matters. Every transaction I work on has mid 5 figures of completely useless bullshit law nonsense that nobody questions. Opinion letters, good standing certificates, blah blah blah. Itā€™s all bullshit.

He definitely doesnā€™t get access to intel briefings

ā€œThe move was the first time that a former president had been cut out of the briefings, which are provided partly as a courtesy and partly for the moments when a sitting president reaches out for advice. Currently, the briefings are offered on a regular basis to Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.ā€

Presidents and some other officials occupy this weird space where they donā€™t go through the typical clearance process. They are allowed to access certain info simply because their job demands it, but they donā€™t get background checks. Most former Presidents can still get intel briefings and Iā€™d imagine that past Presidents have occassionally been given access to other classified documents after they leave office if they can show they need it (like maybe when Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton go to places as Special Envoys), but I donā€™t think that they can just show up to the nearest SCIF and just start digging through the filing cabinets.

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Well Iā€™m working on a litigation opposition motion due at midnight where I tear into a 40 page click-wrap contract and argue itā€™s irrelevant to the case and doesnā€™t bind my client. (They moved to compel arbitration.) The contract lawyers got paid, mainly to scare the fish, but judges actually scrutinize this crap in litigation and I expect to win the motion.

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if any of us took one document itā€™s years in prison and everyone rightfully thinks nothing will happen to trump

just absolute LOL though, dude took hundreds and just walked out and nobody gave a shit, but if you took one theyā€™d be all on you

well weā€™d have to shorten it, like grifting illegal thing x 100000 instead of them all individually

He is the son of Perry Hooper Sr. who served as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from 1995 to 2001.

A failson sexual abuser, how on-brand. What are the odds the victim is a minor?

Jason Bourne and Felix Unger being doxxed.

Well yeah, of course. If it wasnā€™t important shit, that was worth some money to the right people, thereā€™d be no need to have it. I mean, in theory, Trump could just tell our secrets to other countries, but heā€™s too stupid to understand what heā€™s talking about. Thatā€™s why he needs to have the documents.


And too lazy to have made copies.