The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Umm, Pro Se?

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IMO it’s because

(a) reporters need to keep churning out content, so whenever they pin down some new tidbit, they want to run with it and

(B) they feel compelled to engage in good faith with any and all defenses MAGA stans put up for Trump. Someone, somewhere made the “well maybe the staff was just sloppy when they packed up the WH, can’t blame Trump for that” defense. And someone else made the, “Trump probably thought he had turned everything over, if you thought he still had documents you could’ve just asked, you didn’t have to go in with a warrant” argument… So the media feels like it can win the argument by slowly and methodically debunking these arguments, but don’t realize that few if any of the people spewing those talking points care about the actual facts.


The presumption of privilege means that the burden of proof is on those seeking documents, etc. covered by executive privilege to show why the information is necessary. US v Nixon limited executive privilege by making it clear that it is a qualified rather than absolute privilege.

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Guy on MSNBC just said MAGA is


Basically all lawyers that signed off to the FBI that all the documents had been turned in.

Lol, that’s the kind of lawyering that would have gotten me smacked around in my first year writing class.

Basically, before the Court forced Nixon to hand over the tape, the opinion DOES have a lot of solemn, serious language about how executive privilege is important and courts should not interfere with the privilege lightly. But, it then goes on to say it’s making an exception for Nixon because of all the criming… So, the lawyer is trying to focus on the part where the court acknowledged that executive priv is important and then try to argue that the allegations against Trump aren’t serious enough to justify an exception. It’s a bold move, but Trump’s whole defense for most of this stuff is that being the President should let him get away with stuff that noone else can, so I guess you just make the argument and hope a few judges buy the “he’s bad, but not Nixon bad” defense.

It shows that even if he initially inadvertently took classified documents, he subsequently knowingly stole them.


Like Devil said, it torpedos the packed-in-a-hurry defense. Of course, we all know it was bullshit, but now, they can’t use that bullshit anymore and have to use different bullshit. So, at the end of the day, I guess your confusion is warranted. It doesn’t matter which bullshit they use. Nothing matters.

Trump is flooding the zone with bullshit, it’s what he’s always done, it always works every time because no one in the media seems to know how to report on patent bad faith bullshit. Trump claims he is the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor and Twitter lawbros dash off 15-part Twitter threads on how this violates Article X Section Y of the Constitution as interpreted by the SCOTUS instead of just saying “Hey this is all bullshit; Gondor isn’t even real and he’s clearly just trying to distract everyone from his crimes.”


Not gonna check the cite, but “presumptively” here likely means, untill there’s some reason to believe otherwise, which can be a low bar.

I’ve noticed that this case, like many before it, presents the Trump perspective much more than it should because Trump and his monkeys blab all day long while the DOJ is silent.

Reporters have to write a story and FBI is mute but fucking Kash Patel and Barbi esq. are blabbing shit like they’re on a coke bender, probably because they’re on a coke bender.

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But they don’t, though, that’s the thing. Or, more to the point, they can dismiss Trump’s bullshit as bullshit and report on the obvious crimes he’s done instead. You don’t have to engage with obvious bad faith bullshit, no one gets that, it’s why bullshit is so powerful.

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Their problem is the former POTUS saying that shit is newsworthy and reportable, but the fact that they’re unwilling to contextualize it with facts is a huge problem.


I’ve referenced this several times before. In the middle of Trump’s presidency some network (PBS?) held a discussion with 3 national newspaper editors. IIRC it was Washington Post, New York Times, and one other.

They discussed how challenging it was to cover Trump and all his bullshit. They were not hesitant to say that Trump was a constant bullshitter (liar). When the host pressed each editor on how their newspaper was covering Trump, each said that every day they ran prominent stories on Trump’s latest bullshit.

It was their view that anything Trump (the president) said was newsworthy, and the more outrageous it was the more newsworthy it was. Their stories typically contained no “pushback” on Trump’s views/claims/lies and the editors said they had no plans to incorporate anything along those lines. I will say that the host was incredulous at the newspaper editor’s stance but it made no difference to the editors.


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I think the media does better at fact-checking than they used to because of Trump. It’s popular to contend that the media should always balance what’s being said with what the truth is. But, as a practical matter, that’s not always possible. When I was in broadcasting, I remember someone asking me “Why don’t you guys tell us what the national debt really is?” Sorry, but calculating the national debt really doesn’t fall within my skill set. So, I don’t know what it “really is”. How would I? I can only tell you what the government says it is, or I can tell you what some economist says it is. That’s why we qualify facts with “so-and-so says this and so-and-so says that”.


Yeah the DOJ lawbro line of just saying absolutely nothing completely fails when you’re dealing with someone like Trump. You just cede incredibly valuable ground because like it or not, everything is political. Look what happened with the Mueller Report. It says “holy shit this guy did all the crimes” but is remembered as a nothingburger because Bill Barr got ahead of it’s release and lied, then Trump screamed Russia Hoax and nobody really countered that.

Also it used to be the walk softly carry a big stick thing had teeth because people believed eventually the government would come down hard on these assholes. Nobody is scared of them anymore after 6 years of toothless plea agreements, house arrests and pardons.

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An all-timer

Revealing imo

Full letter here: