The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

There’s more to it than this. His father-in-law is a Chinese-American shipping magnate. They have received substantial “gifts” from her parents. $7M of cocaine was discovered on one of these ships which was the impetus for Cocaine Mitch, coined by Don Blankenship.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, received a personal gift from a family member worth between $5 million and $25 million, according to his annual financial disclosure report, which was released on Friday morning.

Foremost has had most of its ships built by China State Shipbuilding, some of them financed by loans from the state-owned Export-Import Bank of China.[9][10] In 2015 it began construction of the first freighter jointly financed by banks in both the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan.[11] Its ships are registered under the flags of Liberia and Hong Kong.[2][4][10] Iron ore is one of its principal cargoes.[9] 72 percent of the freight its ships carry on behalf of its charterers is shipped to China, with its ships operating primarily in the region of Korea to Australia,[9][2][10] but also world-wide.

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Yeah I mean I’m not saying I agree with pardoning him, I’m just suggesting it’s likely what Biden wants to do. Commuting his sentence or making it some kind of house arrest seems mandatory, but if it were my call I’d take as much of his freedom away as possible in so doing.

I don’t think Biden necessarily wants to pardon Trump. I think he wants to do whatever creates peace for our time and won’t take a pardon off the table.

It’s the same sort of thinking that makes people believe that sanctions can always work as a substitute for war.

My conditions:

  1. Public unequivocal admission of guilt. Including inciting J6, tampering with voting in 2020 and lying about the result, stealing classified documents, and attempting to intimidate and silence witnesses.
  2. He names all of his co-conspirators and provides evidence against them.
  3. Return of all political contributions since Nov 2020.
  4. Cease all campaign activities, including rallies, endorsements, and speeches by him or proxies.
  5. All NDAs anyone signed since 2016 are void.
  6. The tax returns.

I was going to add more but lol he’s never agreeing to any of this.

These are absolutely worth a re-watch because they are the greatest political ads ever

The opening line “swamp captain mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for Chinapeople” is just an all-timer


He can’t be pardoned if he’s not charged with anything. Or maybe he can, whatever, point is, what are we even talking about here.


Wonder if he’d take this deal, or just become the president again.

The idea of pardoning Trump is not new.

Here’s Biden promising not to pardon Trump if elected:

Here’s Michael Conway, former House Judicial committee counsel during Watergate arguing for a pardon just after the election:

James Comey thought that Biden should at least consider pardoning Trump in January 2021:

The most recent spate of Trump pardon articles was kicked off by a Washington Post opinion piece by Jason Willick. Who is Jason Willick? Here’s one person’s attempt to describe him:

You may know him from opinion pieces such as: “Overturning Roe would make America more democratic” and “Why you shouldn’t be so quick to applaud the hate-crime convictions of Ahmaud Arbery’s killers”.

This is standard conservative masquerading as bipartisan “advice” for why Democrats should act like eunuchs.


After watching that ad, YouTube recommended the following video that I never knew existed :


He wants to do it hoping that the Republicans won’t investigate his ass if he pardons Trump.

Thing he probably forgot is that Ford, like Nixon, was a Republican. Ford was just taking care of one of his own. Biden would be pardoning his opponent.

I think they’re neglecting the impact of having a white guy in office on their efforts to get people riled up


L o L

“The timing of the bill happening the same week as the former president’s residence was raided, and you had the split screen of, well, if they could do that to him, they could do that to you, and here’s this bill with 87,000 IRS agents being funded,” said Jessica Anderson, the executive director of the conservative Heritage Action for America. “I think we’re going to look back and see that it really lit a match for people with the distrust for government at an all-time high.”

We feel even more detached from our representation than we ever have before because there was no time to get any public input,” said Hamilton. “It’s a big deal when you’re doubling the size of a federal agency. It screams something that’s designed to be punitive against people.”

Yep if you make something bigger it’s gotta be punitive that’s just logic.

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*except police and military budgets

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The truly amazing thing to behold here is that his audience won’t even realize (or care) that Trump appointed his “crazy” wife to his cabinet. And that’s the part that keeps me up at night. How does such a significant part of the electorate so easily dismiss all the lies and hypocrisy coming from the right? Why is it so hard to pin them down on any of it? No doubt our crappy media plays a huge role, but does no one think for themselves any more to the point where 2+2=5 goes completely unnoticed?

If you didn’t cheat the tax person you have nothing to worry about.

Am I doing this right?

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Where can I get my thin blue line flag, but for the IRS?



But cheating the tax man is Smart Business.

remember when every prez candidate was doubling ICE/CBP every term and noone batted an eye?

ahh, the halcyon days of *checks notes twenty-oughts.