The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

she was already secretary of transportation once before. there was a lot of talk about continuity and competency because chao was essentially eGOP

Same reason why the 67,895 humans in attendance on December 18th at FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland, OH will stand together and cheer in unison when Deshaun Watson throws his first home touchdown.

Identity politics is a team sport, especially for morons.

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The reason why they don’t have a problem with his pathological lying is because they’re liars too.

Please tell me that is shopped…

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Hire infinity more IRS agents. I’m not convinced anyone actually works there, it’s impossible to talk to someone.

A friend works there. But you’re right, he won’t talk to me.



The IRS flag is just a small piece of cloth, but you need at least another dozen infuriatingly complex pieces of cloth for it to be complete.


Lmao, yes

You have to guess what the irs flag looks like, build it yourself, and if you get it wrong you go to jail


If I had the time I’d take the black and white American flag, split it into lots off different parts and put the parts into a big form and have every peace labeled



Most people are results-oriented and don’t care how you get to their desired outcome.

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect…

This is why. It’s all that matters. The bad person is whoever the good person says is bad.


Sensitive election system files obtained by attorneys working to overturn President Donald Trump’s 2020 defeat were shared with election deniers, conspiracy theorists and right-wing commentators, according to records reviewed by The Washington Post.

e.g. their clients

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I love this new enthusiasm the GOP has for hyping the IRS as some kind of paramilitary assault force directed by Gen Biden standing up in the back of a Jeep. Squads of black-clad, bloodthirsty accountants are going to rope down from a chopper into your middle-class .25 acre yard and bury two in your skull because you claimed a dependent. Mehdi Hasan just went after this, at 1:00 is a collection of clips of right wing TV freaking out about James Bond IRS


in before the IRS actually does that since they don’t like to go after anyone capable of fighting back

It’s fun that every lawyer does some bullshit conflict check before you hire them and this fucker gets a judge he appointed. A+

Lawtwitter says it should get consolidated.

So donnie trump wants a special master to verify that he did indeed steal a bunch of top secret documents. Bold move Cotton?