The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

rich on china?

His wife is Asian-American. I think thatā€™s pretty much it.

We all get that. Itā€™s the ā€˜onā€™ thatā€™s weird.

Itā€™s likely due to his constant struggle with the English language.

LOL Trump literally threw a party for Weisselberg after his plea. What the fuck is wrong with me following this nonsense

That tells to us all we need to know.

I mean, Weisselberg is testifying against the ā€œTrump Organizationā€ at itā€™s criminal trial, not against Trump. Lol at anyone caring if the ā€œTrump Organizationā€ is convicted. I think itā€™s like a $250k fine. I may be wrong about that, but not by many magnitudes.

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the charity sham ended up being 2 million so maybe 2.5 million fine

well you worked there so yes you do understand perfectly


What is happening


My guess is that the Biden Administration is leaking that a pardon is being considered and asking opinion makers to soften the ground for a pardon. IMO Biden wants to pardon him and always has. He gets off on being the reasonable grown up who loves America so much heā€™ll put the country first no matter what, and thinks this is analogous to Ford/Nixon.

I predicted a Biden pardon of Trump in Sept. 2020 if he won. I donā€™t think this was particularly hard to see coming.

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No way Trump would have accepted a pre-emptive pardon, as it would have been an unnecessary admission of guilt on his part. My guess is that it wouldnā€™t come until after charges are filed, at the earliest. You could make a case for letting him get convicted first, then pardoning him.

I mean the reality of the situation is even if heā€™s not pardoned, heā€™s not doing any real jail time no matter what. Itā€™s too much of a national security issue to have a former president sitting in jail. Plus, are we going to make the Secret Service go to jail with him?

If convicted, heā€™ll get his sentence commuted or get house arrest, likely with the freedom to move between his properties.

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Would be an awesome troll if he pardons him for crimes A and B, but due to crimes C, D, E thru Omega he still is in prison for life.

A blanket pardon while he continues to lie about 2020 and say he did nothing wrong and campaigns for 24 makes no sense.


It would be peak lolDems for Biden to pardon Trump only to be indicted and locked up in 2024 when Trump/Desatan retakes office.


This isnā€™t a new idea. Itā€™s been floated several times since Trump lost.

The perception is that Trump is closer than heā€™s ever been to being hauled into court. This will result in a media spectacle and violent political unrest. People are freaked out by the possibility and want to avoid civil war by any means necessary. I, on the other hand, would like to see Trump prosecuted to push this country beyond the point of no return by provoking a response too extreme for even the most die-hard centrist to ignore. Only a sweet summer child would think that ā€œwe got himā€ heals the country instead of polarizing us even further.

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I agree, but I donā€™t think Biden would see it that way.

Pardons can be conditional.

Lol at Trump following any conditions.


Yeah, this seems like a bad idea. So, you have the DOJ and Congress spend all kinds of resources on getting the goods on Trump, and when you get them, you give him a pardon? And why does this kind of talk make me think that Trump has maybe done something even more jaw-dropping that triggering an insurrection and trying to stage a coup? Not sure what that could be, but maybe weā€™ll find out, or maybe not.