The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

MAGA odds pretty high


Kinda crazy that he was part of CIA experiments designed to test psychologically breaking people when he was 16 or 17 years old.

Ted Kaczynski, an American domestic terrorist known as the Unabomber, was said to be a subject of a voluntary psychological study alleged by some sources to have been a part of MKUltra.[103][ page needed ][104][105] As a sophomore at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a “purposely brutalizing psychological experiment”, led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray.[106][107] In total, Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.


Man it’s so much easier to break stuff than it is to repair it.

Lol “executive” privileged material. Hey, dipshit, that privilege is Biden’s to assert now, and the FBI works for him.

Saying it that way doesn’t appreciate the primary role of the paranoid delusions. It’s really the driving force behind his “theory” on technology and industrial society.

In Mr. Kaczynski’s case, it appears that in the mid to late 1960s he experienced the onset of delusional thinking involving being controlled by modern technology. He subsequently developed another strong belief that his dysfunction in life, particularly his inability to establish a relationship with a female, was directly the result of extreme psychological verbal abuse by his parents.

Mr. Kaczynski’s delusions are mostly persecutory in nature. The central themes involve his belief that he is being maligned and harassed by family members and modern society. Consistent with other individuals with persecutory types of delusions, he is resentful and angry, and fantasizes and actually does resort to violence against those individuals and organizations that he believes are hurting him. Mr. Kaczynski experiences ideas of reference, with his interpretation of these events being consistent with the persecutory nature of his delusional ideas.

Biden should declassify a partial description of some of the documents that were reclaimed by the government.

A movie was made about him a few years ago - forgot what network or streaming service it was on. I was cast as an extra in a scene involving the Harvard experiments. I was supposed to be a scientist, but when the AD came over to explain the scene, do some basic blocking, etc., he thought I would look better as a “G-man,” so he swapped me and the guy who was cast in that role.

It was going to be cool. Just me and an FBI agent actor in a small room behind a two-way mirror, watching the experiment. They filmed the scientist stuff first then called me in. The actor introduced himself to me and was very welcoming. Then I saw the director talking to someone and looking at me, which couldn’t have been good.

They decided I couldn’t be in the scene because the FBI agent was already established in the room without me, so it wouldn’t make sense if I was there. Thus, I spent all day and never got in the movie.


Did that make you want to send “something” in the mail?


Kazynski was successful in a way, at least here in Utah, in that the locations he placed the bombs no longer exist. Well, the locations exist ofc, but the building at the U was replaced and the computer business where he left another bomb is no longer there either.

The owner of the computer shop, who was injured by the bomb, later became best buds with Ted’s brother, who got him arrested. Strange how things go.

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I definitely would’ve thought this book was The Onion or something similar. Not in this world, in this world it’s real.


Ok Hillary Queenton actually made me laugh.



Oh, we’ve definitely got him this time!


So there really is a NOC list like in MI:1? Amazing. I hope it’s stored on a Jazz drive like in the movie.


Yeah that was dumb, they were supposed to hereby strenuously declare.

This tweet is based on a Newsweek article that doesn’t say there’s any reason to believe such records (with identities and methods of agents) were at Mar-a-Lago. Is it possible? Sure.

Donald Trump as a merchant. I love it.

Sources: Newsweek and elsewhere

*elsewhere not cited

Hmm. The Newsweek article refers to WaPo saying the FBI was looking for documents related to nuclear weapons. Maybe that’s the elsewhere. Other possible elsewheres might also be referring to WaPo. But there doesn’t seem to be anything backing up the agents’ identities thing.