The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Huge chunks of this article are simply excuses for Trump. The two sources it cites familiar with the Trump exit from the WH are likely David Dennison and John Barron, Ron Mexico a longshot.

When it finally dawned on Donald Trump in the twilight of his presidency that he wouldn’t be living at the White House for another four years, he had a problem: He had barely packed and had to move out quickly.

West Wing aides and government movers frantically tossed documents and other items into banker boxes that were shipped to a storage room at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida along with other, previously packed records set aside by Trump, sometimes erratically so, according to two sources with knowledge of Trump’s move and records issues.

LOL. I think they’ve finally settled on the “it was all a rush and things just got tossed in” excuse. No.

The source said that it was only after Jan. 6 — two weeks before Biden’s swearing-in — that he began to make serious preparations to vacate the White House. And the process was a mess.

“It was a chaotic exit,” this source said. “Everyone piled everything — staff, the White House movers — into the moving trucks. When they got to Mar-a-Lago, they piled everything there in this storage room, except for things like the first lady’s clothes. Everything in a box went there.”

“He didn’t care. He didn’t care about the boxes. He was in a dark place at the time, if you remember. He didn’t even unpack things,” the source continued. “Over time, the staff moved them back in. If you had brought him into that storeroom, and asked, ‘Which are your presidential papers?’ he couldn’t tell you.”

Again, No. This stuff at first seems plausible; it’s not any kind of excuse at all. Total bullshit.


I really felt like language was being over policed here. Still, my reaction was overly aggressive.

I’m sorry man.


He might let others make that argument but no way he’s going to go in front of a jury or a rally audience and say, “Look, I’m a stupid disorganized slob. I had no idea what was in those boxes!” He’s more likely to go with “I offered the investigators Cokes! And they still unlawfully raided my safe. My safe! Can you believe it?!”

American billionaires don’t see Trump 2024 as an existential threat? It seems like it would have been so easy to just impeach Trump and then run DeSantis.

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So to be clear here, they’re claiming that not only did he take these highly classified documents, but they sat in boxes in a storage room that a bunch of people had access to, including his staff that then moved these highly classified documents got moved nito other rooms, without his knowledge?

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I feel like the secret decoder ring is that Kaczinsky wasn’t actually some flawed but insightful thinker, he was actually a deranged serial killer who liberally plagiarized various ideas from actual leftist thought to justify his crimes and flatter his narcissism by pretending that he was a revolutionary rather than a deranged serial killer.


Also schizophrenia



this is well said, I’m gonna borrow that, I’ve been trying to find those words for a while

By copy of this truth

Flibbity, flabbily flu


This reminds me of when someone convinced people on Facebook to copy-paste some legal wording into their Facebook posts and it was supposed to do some magic legal mumbo jumbo. And then every stupid person on Facebook was posting “I HEREBY DECLARE …” nonsense.


Everyone’s always too focused on how the victims of (attempted) crimes feel, we forget what the perpetrator might be going through.



I’ve never seen this on Facebook.

I remember. Tense days due to repeated violations of the Vatican Convention of 1972. I declare Facebook may not use my images! LOL.

It was a onetime event a while back.

Lawtwitter assures us karma is coming. Finally.

This is mostly how I feel about it. It’s the work of someone with a serious mental disorder that slapped together a decoupage ideology to fit his imaginary fantasy world. I disagree that there’s much in the way of leftist thought here though. Labeling him anprim [or anything] is giving way too much credit. For example, note that he’s only an anarchist up to the point that he personally cannot be controlled bY TeChNoLoGy, but after that anything goes and power structures are fine. It’s entirely self-serving horseshit where he gets to be king and no one can control him; it just looks a little weird because he has to work around the paranoid delusions about being controlled by technology to arrive at it. He profiles to something like Gadsden flag doomsday prepper that’s very triggered by PEE CEE culture though.

Or he is a consequentialist who looks for jigsaw pieces to fit his preferred outcomes, just like most people do. He’s just smarter and more well-read than typical people, so the outcome looks prettier.