The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

You’d think he’d mention the elsewhere if it were a more reliable source than Newsweek


Yes, don’t trust Newsweek at all

I would have bet agents and methods over nuclear secrets before it was reported.

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I think we should cut Donnie some slack given how much trouble he went through to get the NOC list


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Only 49% of voters believe the warrant was executed primarily due to evidence Trump committed a crime, and that’s only 9 points above water.



Yes, the margins are so slim that it’s not certain that democracy is viable anymore in this country.

A lot of people are asking whether Trump will be indicted, but I am looking very strongly at whether he will be impeached

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Looks like the Trump camp has found a media winner with the “hurried move” out of the WH excuse. These three WSJ idiots bend over backwards to paint the scene as one we all know where you’re moving and you’re running out of time and there’s so much stuff and make sure you don’t throw out anything sentimental! and you know everything gets thrown in. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH HIGHLY CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION. Either you’re a Trump PR flack now or you’re fired. The beginning of this article, and what they’re trying to do, is a disgrace:

WASHINGTON—In the final weeks of the Trump administration, the West Wing started to empty out. White House trade adviser Peter Navarro was spotted carting away a framed photograph of the U.S. and Chinese presidents facing off. The chief of staff’s wife was seen packing a stuffed bird into her car.

President Donald Trump remained preoccupied with overturning his November 2020 election loss. He spent his last days meeting with lawyers, plotting how to settle scores with Republicans who voted to impeach him after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and negotiating over pardons with his advisers, former aides said.

At 12:50 a.m. on Jan. 20, 2021, his last day in office, he issued a list of 143 pardons and commutations, generating more presidential records required to be turned over to the National Archives.

The result was a rushed and chaotic exit from the White House that is now at the center of a federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of classified documents and other presidential material after leaving office.

“If you only start packing with two days left to go, you’re just running low on time,” a former aide said. “And if he’s the one just throwing things in boxes, who knows what could happen?”


Sounds to me like MANY ARE SAYING it’s true, so it must be.


“The coup attempt was taking up so much of my time I couldn’t really focus on which top secret materials I was taking.”


“I’m just a caveman”


My god



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Even if it did happen it doesn’t explain why Trump kept the documents for two years. He wants us to believe he took a bunch of documents from the White House he considered important enough to bring with him but then just stashed them away without anybody ever looking at them.

Or why when served a subpoena, he lied about having them.

Sweet summer child here, but he is gonna get got.

Trump wouldn’t be the only person at MAL who needs classified info, there would have been national security aides around during his term.