The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

His grievances with “the left” are far more developed and complex than this. Maybe we can do another thread but I don’t wanna continue the derail here. The “autism advantage” in economic thinking is a Mises dipshit thing, not something I came up with.

Doesn’t look like it. The video feeds are all wonky.

Not sure we should create a “Was the Unabomber right?” thread in this era of put of control activist FBI teams. If they can come after the President them none of us are safe!


I’m in for a Unabomber Manifesto book club.

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Yeah. C’mon guys. It’s totally fake and obviously so. When DeSantis is talking, Hannity goes into a one-second loop. Notice the repeating hand and eye movements. Lara is on a loop too. DeSantis goes into freeze frame when Hannity or Lara is talking. When Hannity says DeSantis at the very end, his words don’t match his lip movements. It’s funny, but its fake.


Feels like this could be embedded in the anti Meta thread. Teddy K warned us.

issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the unabomber. you do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it to him”


But is it good enough to fool Trump?

No. If there’s one thing he understands, it’s television.


Jesus, the left is just as dumb


@jmakin’s book review thread is probably the appropriate venue for the Unabomber Manifesto. My idea would be to set the o/u on number of pages completed before most people here tap out. I’d probably set it at 1.5.

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what thread? I don’t like talking about the Unabomber because he is one of those guys that correctly saw the problems and where the future was going, but his prescription was violence, which is obviously wrong. Lots of ideas he borrowed too. He was not as idealistic as he portrayed himself either, his bomb targets were sometimes personal grudges. It’s one of those areas I tend to avoid because it’s hard to discuss and think about.

Jesus if this forum fell for that video for even a second, Trumps mashed potato brain would definitely fall for it. And even after they tell him it’s fake, he either wouldn’t believe them, or he’d think that’s what they are saying when he’s not around.


One of the talking points against Blake Masters in his Senate run against Mark Kelly in AZ is that he has “praised the Unabomber”. I’m not sure I want to let anything get in the way of that if it’s going to help take Masters down.

It seems to be basically true, if nuanced. This is from a Vanity Fair article on Peter Thiel’s political influence:

Masters has publicly said he thinks “everybody should read” the Unabomber’s anti-tech manifesto, “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which may sound strange for a young tech executive running to serve in the United States Senate. But to Masters, Kaczynski’s critique was a useful analysis of how technology shapes our world and how “degrading and debasing” it could be to human lives.



My manifesto is going to have proper attribution and footnotes.


We don’t need to repeat ableist slurs no matter where they come from

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Not sure how we got on this topic but I looked because of the history in SLC. This is from the student paper at the University of Utah the day after Kaczynski left a bomb in the business building (odd spot, but there may have been a course in the history of science taught there. The FBI thought one of the professor’s students might be the Unabomber). I hope bomb disposal has advanced since then.

What are you even talking about? I’d be surprised if a single person who posts itf thinks “autist” is a pejorative in any sense.