The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

it’s kind of a slur but when directed at me i dont take great offense

Assigning “slur” to it is way more damaging than any way it will ever be used here.


Yeah if you’re going to jump in, at least read the thread. Anarcho-autism isn’t something we should be repeating in this kind of context. GMAFB, we’re not describing an autistic person or whatever it is you seem to think what’s happening.

Yes, because I don’t agree with your post it automatically means “I didn’t read.”

You’re a dick. I’m over it. Carry on.

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No, when you misidentify the slur we’re all talking about you get told that you didn’t read.



Dexter Filkins had an interesting article about Desantis in the New Yorker. He’s Harvard law school smart, very conservative, but also an uncompromising and unpleasant asshole, which to my mind is much better than an ingratiating, unctuous Ted Cruz type. Laura Trump probably hasn’t been smacked that hard since the last time Don Jr was drunk.

But, should be noted the video is mostly fake.

It’s completely fake. There’s a big mic in front of DeSantis. He appears to be making comments about the Rebecah Jones search at a news conference. He’s not even talking about the Trump case. The creator admits it’s satire.

Your periodic reminder that Newsweek is now nothing but a garbage clickbait site owned by a cult.

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What context is that exactly?

I presume talking about anyone except the people self-identifying as anarcho-autists (who apparently exist).

Anarcho-autist shouldn’t be mentioned because it’s not a thing as a movement. Autism there is just being a stand in for hardcore vs normie

Six hundred new excited Trump posts over this FBI raid…

Have you guys learned nothing these past 6 years?


Have you read the posts? I wouldn’t characterise the tone of any of them as “excited”. More like :vince1:


Even intrigued Vince is too much energy to be devoting to the next big nothing burger (in terms of consequence; not crimes, which are old hat by now anyway).

I don’t know, my interest isn’t WE GOT HIM based, I just think it’s a weird and entertaining story and I want to know what these documents were and why Trump had them.


I’m with Chris on this one. If you actually did a poll, on “Will Orange Man face consequences?”, it’s gonna be 100% no. No one thinks he’s gonna get got. It more like people talking about what they’d do if the win the lottery. It’s fun to dream, but no one thinks they’re actually going to win the big one.

Do I remember some 2+2 drama with you about ‘autist’? Think maybe it was Fly, nvm