The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Macron is very popular among people his wife’s age (olds). May be that his marriage allows them to see him as both the ideal son-in-law / a younger version of themselves but also actually one of them. It would definitely hurt him at least a little bit if he was found to be cheating on her with someone younger.

(Around 2016 there were strong rumors that he was in a relationship with the head of public radio (male his age), but there is no reason to think there was any truth to it)

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The new chessmate is that any US Govt highly classified material is immediately declassified when Trump walks out of the Oval Office with it. Can’t argue with that. Damn these guys have it together.


Debunking Trump’s absurd claims (aka lies) misses the point. It’s like debunking a Flat Earther’s claims. They win the minute you engage them at their level.

Better to simply say that prisons are full of criminals who made absurd claims of innocence and hopefully Trump will soon join them (I am not saying it may happen but it is what I would say to a Trump supporter).




lol Russia not so friendly to Trump

But Trump still be simping

Same as Obama.

Remember the time Obama did a tan declassification?


Dipped in mustard. Ah the halcyon days.

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The worst was when he declassified that cup of coffee. The radical left fbi never even raided his house to get it back.

Fox News Mobile Checkin:

Border states sending immigrants on busses to Democrat cities

Violence inTijuana

Rushdie attack

Trump raid, but it’s Bill Maher and speculation how it might help Trump

Amy Grant sick

Trump raid, but it’s really about Commala Harris

More Rushdie

FBI attack suspect



CNN criticism


Hunter Biden Ritzy vacation

Ann Heche

Mask mandates

Couple kicked off Spirit Airlines

And finally an actual article about Trump having classified material.


Somebody get this video in front of trump’s senile insecure face.


Uhh why is he facing away from the camera lol

Holy shit! This clip is going front and center in my let them fight Hall of Fame.

Edit: Damn. I should have known it was too good to be true.


LOL…pretty funny. They’re taking a DeSantis interview most likely on the Rebekah Jones case and splicing it in with some Hannity footage.


Because it’s a spoof.

Unabomber, like many smart people, correctly diagnosed a bunch of the problems. But—also like many smart people—he didn’t offer too much in the way of compelling solutions.

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someone once said i was a 50/50 mix between the unibomber and john lennon, i took it as a compliment.

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no, it’s real

The “Stuff You Should Know” podcast did an episode on the Unabomber and had to keep saying “To repeat, we’re not condoning anything he did, but…”

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