The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“lose the chance to run again” isn’t there no actual rule about this, R’s would definitely go hurp durp constitution doesn’t say he can’t hurp durp (or at least what do you think SCOTUS would rule)

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I think it’s in the range of possibilities, but I’m not committed to believing either option. I would not be shocked if they find an in-between solution similar to the Comey letter where they say they believe him to be guilty but are exercising prosecutorial discretion to not charge him.

I thought it was written into the law about mishandling classified documents.

I’m not sure if they would have the grounds for a warrant to do so.

I call bullshit. The odds of getting usable prints off of paper is extraordinarily low.

The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

sure there’s that other thing they threw in on the docs, but that won’t count

i didn’t read it so i don’t know but lol at directly politically targeting hillary and having it blow up in trump’s face like this

So is he going to jail or will it be the death penalty?



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What’s more likely.

Trump getting indicted

Arsenal finishing top 4?




There are definitely worse crimes should get got for, but if he ends up getting hoisted on his own petard (I know he won’t, but if he does) I think that might be the most satisfying ending to the Trump era.

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imagine being a kid a few centuries from now reading about american presidents and just go WTF getting to this guy

especially after he wins in 2024 from prison then pardoning himself




Indictment more likely than a Spuds trophy. This decade.


They are both tied at 0%

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They forgot.



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wow so he was hoarding state secrets… presumably to sell, right? i mean besides the roger stone pardon which anyone would want framed, intelligence briefs aren’t really presidential mementos

could this be arrogance? after they subpoena him for them, he refuses because he thinks dems won’t take the political heat of touching him?