The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

How about “he tells Putin and MBS everything because they’ve been blackmailing him this whole time.”


The Rosenbergs made the schoolboy/girl error of not ensuring they were loaded to avoid the prosecutors’ best efforts.



How bored are you tonight?

trump getting got just b/c he’s used to just taking everything that wasn’t his or selling everything that wasn’t his and couldn’t stop

also they don’t tell you that’s how to get rich

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But that might be unconstitutional.

US Term Limits Inc v Thornton established that states cannot established qualifications beyond what is in the Constitution for Congressional elections. Clayton v McCormack held that Congress couldn’t exclude elected members who fulfilled those qualifications. This is why you can’t require that a members of the House reside in their districts.

This strongly suggests that Congress can’t restrict who may be president beyond what is in the Constitution. (The Fourteenth Amendment banning insurrectionists from holding various offices does not seem to include president among those offices, so January 6 isn’t be an impediment to Trump becoming president again. The presidency is not a civil office.)

This hasn’t been tested in court because no viable presidential candidate has come close to Trump’s level of criminality. Hilariously, Thomas dissented in the term limits case, but I think the precedent is pretty clear that none of this is a legal impediment to Trump running for president.

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Most psychopaths I think do eventually get got because they go too far, but it’s not arrogance if his chances of getting away with it are really good.

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One hour does not an evening make.

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Get a room, you two.


Man is he going to be extra unhinged when he returns to the presidency.


they do tend to either make it bigly or end up in prison not much in between

en de caso por Trump, por que no los dos?

I’m holding out hope Trump could be indicted. Only reason not to would be to deter future Republican Administrations from indicting the Democrats they succeeded. But they’re doing that anyway, so might as well throw the first punch. Make it a good one.

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From rough estimates of prevalence in the general vs in- corrections populations, the majority don’t run like Trump.

Trump was making out ok selling worthless stuff like his university degrees. Even if he didn’t plan to outright sell it, he must’ve thought he hit the jackpot when info that might actually be worth something started passing through his hands.

Are we certain the documents seized weren’t the pass phrases to the government’s NFT vault?



Is it possible to do a citizen’s indictment?


How are we talking about juries!? Hes an underdog to be charged!


No need to assume he didn’t have a good reason.

If he was ANYBODY else he would get charged. But yeah—nah.