The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Is the abortion-seeking defendant in your hypothetical jury nullification case black, or white?

Or that you did give it to a 3rd party, or allowed a 3rd party to obtain it. (Did I just imagine that DOJ got surveillance tapes from Mar-a-Lago?) Whether or not it matters that it you were president and that it was out of carelessness, stupidity, or a need to satisfy narcissistic impulses might be up to a judge and jury. If you’re some random I don’t like your chances.

Let’s say we’ve got one of each?

What? They gave a copy to Trump. The reason was because Trump was lying about it.

Indicted or not, I don’t see how that plays into it at all. They didn’t give over the supporting evidence for the warrant.

White defendant is getting acquitted, maybe. Black defendant drawing live to jury nullification I guess, but I wouldn’t put money on it.

They moved to release the warrant to counter the misinformation. They wouldn’t need to do that if htey’re handing down an indictment in the next few weeks. The indictment would be a lot more powerful than what’s on the face of a warrant and warrant return.

When are we getting his tax returns?

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on the fifth, the fifth of never

I think you’re vastly underestimating how damaging it would have been to let Fox News drive at the DOJ’s credibility for weeks. Especially after one clown tried to shoot up an FBI office. Really don’t see how it’s relevant.

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But people are attacking FBI offices now…

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What if they made a political decision that there was a risk of Trump supporters committing more violent acts and thought that releasing the warrant would decrease that risk significantly?

Then I think they miscalculated honestly.

But is it a plausible explanation for unsealing the warrant without closing off the possibility of future indictment?

Juan Gonzalez from Democracy Now!?

Sure, I guess it is. I guess we’ll see. I do not think he is getting indicted.

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Juan Gonzalez.

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I give you the District of Columbus. Not a representative cross-section.

I think there’s a chance he is, but very little chance he does time. I think if he were to be convicted, Biden would grant him clemency. He’d just lose the chance to run again and all of his security clearances for the briefings ex-presidents usually get.

so how does fbi not toss every other residence and trump property? if i had mad secret stolen files i’d hide them all over, i think. i mean if you have residences all over the world