The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

If you’re interested in what the trump Stans are saying:

Basically they’re saying the documents aren’t nuclear secrets, but are in fact information about the FBI investigation into him. There’s nothing to support his of course.

nobody making use of americas dumbest criminals photoshop yet?

Not really. You see, The Espionage Act is nearly impossible to form a defense against. You can’t claim First Amendment as a defense. You can’t justify your actions as in the public interest as a defense. You can’t raise the issue of overclassification of documents or even explain the reasons for your actions as a defense. Either you did something or you didn’t. No defense can be formed against The Espionage Act. It’s why Snowden stayed in Russia. He has no way to defend his actions in court due to how The Espionage Act is worded.

If Trump is ever officially charged of violating it, it pretty much means they have him dead to rights.

Guy married his high school teacher and still got elected. I doubt that it would have any impact.


What about the Fuck you defense


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Well, there was an additional lock, so no worries.

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There’s two different crimes at play here: mishandling classified material and espionage. Just taking classified stuff home would be a minor felony in and of itself. I have to believe that espionage charges would require some evidence that you have plans to give the classified stuff to a third party.



I didn’t have any documents they planted them there but if I did have them then they were declassified and even then they were bigly locked and why didn’t they just ask for the classified documents back and whattabout Barack Hussein Obama?


lol here we go

Thanks to advanced quantum cryptography, the documents can exist in a superposition of simultaneous classified/unclassified states.


well snowden is clearly guilty that’s why he can’t defend himself. He probably still hasn’t realized he got duped though but intentional/unintentional doesn’t make a difference.

Guys, he hasn’t even been indicted.


Librarians and Merrick’s coming
They think he has the codes
Through the papers I hear them thumbing
Raid at Mar a Lago



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I don’t think so, no. Espionage act is more than just mishandling classified docs. Caveat: I know very little about this area of law.

You sir, have clearly never been to the Deep South.

I really had a flashback when I saw 200 new posts overnight at the start of the week :grimacing:


I don’t think a vote in Mississippi would be dramatically different from the Kansas vote. What do you think it would be?

Drawing to nullification seems like it has a pretty good shot.

And he never will be. DOJ doesn’t release this warrant if they’re going to indict him… there’s no reason to.