The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Just astonishing anyone is still going to bat for a guy who wouldn’t piss on a single one of them if they were on fire

Gotta get him re-elected though so they can put more conservatives on the bench to overturn Roe v. Wade.

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You joke but isn’t this exactly how your dumb system works?

The news

A crack appears?


I don’t quite get this take that Trump is too dumb to come up with a plan like “sell state secrets for money.” I think that’s in his wheelhouse, it’s not complicated at all.

Given that he’s a moron who golfs and watches TV several hours a day on top of wrangling all his legal issues, I’m not too surprised he hadn’t sold the docs off yet. I have no idea how you go about go about doing that without getting got.

He doesn’t care about getting got, rightfully, given he can’t.

That’s all folks. Nothing matters. He isn’t facing any consequences.

Lol his lawyer was in fact there, of course.

He actually does a great job balancing his range in these spots by going equally ballistic over crowd size and straight up treason.

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Helpful to remember that literally nothing, including selling nuclear secrets (which I doubt he did), would get his supporters to turn on him. Remember the dopamine hit you got when Trump annihilated people you hate in the 2016 R primaries, i.e. Little Marco, Jeb! and Lyin Ted?

His supporters have been getting that for 7 years. It’s like a drug addiction at this point.


Well if he ever does get got, it would be sweet delicious karma if his own signature on the confidential documents penalties law sent him to federal prison.

Shit, must have been typing while dreaming. Sorry.

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“Reminds me of a Christopher Steele dossier.”

He’s saying the pee tape is real.

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It’s easy when both are equally important to him

Or actually the crowd size thing actually is more important!

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I like how you all assume that Trump just stole nuclear secrets to sell. I’m putting my money on him setting up his own reactor underneath Maralogo.


It’s turtles, all the way down.


I’m honestly hoping that this is one of the outcomes, declassification of a bunch of random shit that the former president stole because he wanted to impress guests at his club of assholes. Our government overclassifies shit anyways.