The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

They should scrap whatever plans they had for Mario Kart 9 and just make it an entire game of this.

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Also even if Trump, a man who watched cable news to find out what was going on while President, somehow hatched a plan to sell secrets to America’s enemies, it’s like 2 years later. He would already have sold them for 50 bucks and a Good Boy Medal.

What you really need to bear in mind with Trump is that all that is real to him is appearances. So the trophies theory is the only one I’ve heard that makes sense to me.


At midnight because of course


gotta admire such a natural talent for tv writing that he instantly recognizes when to go for the cliffhanger episode.

Could be. But there were plenty of other possible trophies he could have gotten away with stealing, and probably did. Obama’s letter. Or stuff from Putin, Kim, or Xi.

He’s constitutionally unable to give anything away. In his mind those papers have value and they’re in his possession so they’re his, why should he give them up to some National Archive librarian for nothing? He’s not going to get played like Mitch:

First he gave them the fake Infrastructure Bill, then Guns, never used the Debt Ceiling for negotiating purposes (gave it away for NOTHING!)

Even after being forced to give the stuff back he’s still trying to extract value.

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It’s funny now whenever I see the word ‘radical’ it causes a pavlovian pang of annoyance in me because of the constant tilting description ‘radical left’.

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Bold. His lawyers will argue the opposite at the hearing and the documents won’t be released. Officially that might be the end of it but nothing prevents Trump from doubling down on his document release demands at rallies and in fundraising emails.


Onion does it again


In conversations with CNN Business this week, the chatbot, which was released publicly Friday and has been dubbed BlenderBot 3, said it identifies as “alive” and “human,” watches anime and has an Asian wife. It also falsely claimed that Donald Trump is still president and there is “definitely a lot of evidence” that the election was stolen.

If some of those responses weren’t concerning enough for Facebook’s parent company, users were quick to point out that the artificial intelligence-powered bot openly blasted Facebook. In one case, the chatbot reportedly said it had “deleted my account” over frustration with how Facebook handles user data.


Yeah, I was going to bring this up. There are multiple plausible scenarios where LIV golf is being used in that way.

Let’s say you’re Ol Donnie, and you steal these top secret documents that are worth billions of dollars to sell. But you also had some security briefings you actually paid some attention to one day for some reason, and you learned that like if a former president, or anyone, gets Putin or MBS on the phone, the CIA is going to know about it and listen to it.

So you’ve gotta wait to see some of those folks in person, right? So you get two LIV events, you play with a Saudi royal in the pro-am of the first one, and then you do the deal at the second one.

Same concept works with basically any go between for any foreign adversary or power that wanted to transact with him.

The other is just them dropping huge bags of money to him through letting him host two events.

Facebook making a chatbot that shits on Facebook’s data practies is just chef’s kiss.



Also the instinct to explain every implication of what he’s trying to convey rather than leave obvious shit unsaid.

I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t even paid for them. MBS or someone probably just casually planted the idea of taking top secret “souvenirs” when he left office, and Trump was like, yeah, that’s a good idea and did it. Then, since Mar a Lago is probably riddled with foreign assets, they just snapped some photos when he left them on a desk or somethjng after showing them off to random wedding guests.

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The Heritage Foundation’s Stimson has a different view, given that Trump was once “the ultimate declassification authority.”

“If any president decides to declassify a document and doesn’t tell anybody — but he has made the decision to declassify something — then the document is declassified,” Stimson said.

He added that “there’s a rich debate about whether or not a document is declassified if a president has decided but not communicated it outside of his own head,” but Stimson said he would rather be the defense than the prosecution if the dispute ever went to trial.

A rich debate huh



He didn’t have any classified documents and this is an unprecedented witch hunt but also if he does have any classified documents then they are actually declassified

Starting to look like the narcissists prayer already