The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’m not so much pro-violence as much as someone who thinks that Republicans’ greater willingness to engage in violence is evidence of an enthusiasm gap that is bad for Democrats. I believe eDems don’t want their voters to be too excited partly because they fear that greater enthusiasm leads to violence.

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He can’t release the warrant while he’s under audit.


This isn’t a motion to unseal the warrant application. Just the warrant and property return. I’m sure the warrant application has hella classified information and will never see the light of day.

Marcy Wheeler speculates that the warrant includes that Trump is suspected of violating the Espionage Act and includes a list of specific documents they were looking for.


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Investigators are looking into whether the man who tried to breach the F.B.I.’s field office in Cincinnati on Thursday had ties to extremist groups, including one that participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to two law enforcement officials familiar with the matter.

The suspect, identified by the officials as Ricky Shiffer, 42, seems to have appeared in a video posted on Facebook on Jan. 5, 2021, showing him attending a pro-Trump rally at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington the night before the Capitol was stormed.

In May, a Twitter user named Ricky Shiffer replied to a photograph of rioters scaling the walls of the Capitol on Jan. 6 with a message that claimed he was present at the building and seemed to place the blame for the attack on people other than supporters of former President Donald J. Trump.

She agrees.

Yeah, so if he’s trying to get the warrant released to “correct the public record” then there is no chance Trump is ever getting indicted. That wouldn’t be necessary if there were plans to indict.

Lol, predictable. That warrant will be unsealed shortly after his tax returns are released, which will be shortly after the heat death of the universe.


Occupy Dems simping for Garland hard

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They always take the bait.

“Outside lawyers” There’s a whole Donald Trump lawyer industry. He’s probably single-handedly responsible for the last drop in the unemployment rate.

Trump’s done great work employing otherwise unemployable lawyers.


it’s going to be hilarious watching this guy try to get paid by trmp


I’m too tired to validate this right now, but it appears dude had a Truth Social account or something…

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LOL of course he was at 1/6

In one 2018 post on Twitter, after Mr. Trump criticized LeBron James, Mr. Findling referred to Mr. Trump as “the racist architect of fraudulent Trump University.” In 2017, after Mr. Trump fired the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, Preet Bharara, Mr. Findling said on Twitter that the firing was “a sign of FEAR that he would aggressively investigate the stench hovering over this POTUS.”

In any event, criminal lawyers know to get paid first.



Someone from UP needs to take one for the team and go get this judge drunk off his ass and get the details for us.