The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Cranky old white guys hate immigrants because it easy to make them the out group, and all their cranky old white guy friends do it too. They never have and never will put any real thought into it.


Yes, people of color are scary and very dangerous!

Welfare queens!

I feel so fortunate to not have anyone whoā€™s close to me and that I genuinely care about be a deplorable. Iā€™d like to think Iā€™d disown them, but I realize thatā€™s much easier said than done



unreal if true


Every time I see a photo of these ā€œ15 boxesā€ thereā€™s like 80 boxes

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That sounds word for word like something Iā€™d have said about two days ago.

Iā€™m on good enough speaking terms with plenty of deplorables who are comfortable saying the quiet parts out loud in front of me. Iā€™ve never heard any of them talk about immigration or budget policy on a wonkish level. Like not once, ever. Itā€™s always fear of Hispanics overtaking ā€œusā€ (aka whites), blacks murdering innocent whites and getting welfare checks, and China ā€œcontrolling us.ā€ All of the grievances are structured on top of those things. White nationalist hegemony STILL THE CHAMPS bullshit.


Iā€™m going to marry an immigrant, and someday have biracial kids. She and they will deal with a lot of shit in their lives, I canā€™t prevent most of it, but Iā€™m not going to make them deal with it from my father.

Yeah he never gets wonkish, itā€™s always about welfare and national security/crime. Itā€™s never about them overtaking us or whites being a minority. But he probably knows if he said that to my face thatā€™d be it for us being on good terms.

Personally? Not that Iā€™m aware of. Obviously they exist. Itā€™s not a conversation I think Iā€™ve ever had with any of the non-white people I know, and I assume thatā€™s because itā€™s not exactly a top-of-the-list conversation any of us are looking to have, whereas a reliable trait of deplorables is that they actively try to steer the conversation into all of these stupid fucking grievances. Iā€™ve had strung out Karens approach me public to ask me shit like ArEnā€™T U aFrAiD oF tHe CaRaVaNs??!? completely out of the blue.


The white majority stuff is complete bullshit. The only hispanics who arenā€™t white for all purposes are first generation immigrants with limited english.




So Iā€™m guessing heā€™s very against the white nationalist terrorist groups and also in favor of banning all guns just like I am, right?

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Iā€™ve noticed that the ā€œalways about welfareā€ types donā€™t often talk about PPP loans.


I think this is one of those situational dependent things that only people in direct contact will figure out whatā€™s best for them

in some cases they disown you first anyway

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I have actually noticed the opposite a couple of times. Within a half hour of mentioning the PPP loans they took, the conversation will move to some other topic and they will complain about someone else getting a different type of government assistance.

My theory is that a lot of the papers Trump kept were bragging materials that he was using primarily to show off but might also contain incidental stuff that the Security folks didnā€™t want him just flashing around willy nilly

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Ask them how they feel about immigrants from Europe