The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Haha I thought this was just a joke I didn’t get




Has a leopard ever eaten its own face?



I mean he’s been great to her, never said anything bad, treats her like his daughter-in-law already really. So you make a good point. But on the other hand, I know what I know, so it’s complicated. And I don’t want him saying anything xenophobic or racist that he doesn’t realize is such in front of them.

Yes. He’d be okay with banning all guns, I think his preferred position would be banning assault weapons and limiting it to hunting rifles, shotguns, and handguns - and maybe making them harder to get.

He’s also for single payer, depending on who talks about it. He kind of liked Bernie for a minute, and said he made a lot of sense. He loathes the Clintons, though, to a special level. Dislikes or hates all other Dems. Gritted his teeth and voted for Biden because he hated Trump, or so he said.

He’s against welfare for anyone who doesn’t pay taxes, I guess, but he also refuses to accept that even a lot of undocumented immigrants pay taxes, along with all of the legal immigrants, of course.

If Trump actually goes down for that and serves more than a year, I think Keith Olbermann should get 30 seconds on a news program every night to count the number of extra days he serves for breaking the law he stiffened penalties on.

“Tonight is night number 73 that Donald Trump will go to sleep in a federal penitentiary for breaking his own law.”


People wondering why Trump took the documents.

He thinks everything belongs to him and they are trophies IMO.


I don’t think anybody is under any illusions that cutting off deplorables will be beneficial for them, just that it might be beneficial for you as a last resort.

I continue to be grateful not to have to deal with this problem personally. Even my in-laws, who are pushing 80, are amazingly reasonable on all issues and even somewhat progressive. :crossed_fingers::pray:

+1. I definitely run good in the family department.

My wife has some Trumpy aunts and uncles, but never was close to them, so they were almost not a part of her life to begin with.


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I mean, if your grandkids aren’t allowed to see him because you think he internally looks down on them, aren’t they gonna wonder about that? And isn’t that worse than him saying something yucky? Especially if there’s a decent chance he’s only good to them? Feels like a fairly overwrought preemptive strike, imo. But this is def a derail…


uber time!

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Randi has a different take rooted completely in conjecture

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Would love to see a hit rate on all of the Twitter detective bread crumb trail predictions from 2016 onward. There are so many of these fucking trolls now that I’d be astonished if it was above 1%. Louise Mensch was 0 for the # of tweets she’s ever made, but popehat and his type are doing the same shit now. Clickin’ ain’t easy.


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Putting thought into things is SOCIALISM!

There’s always a tweet/enacted piece of federal legislation.

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What would Vlad want him to steal?