The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I wonder if it’s material that he thinks will support the Rigged Election or something.

This is an annoying spot because on the one hand the government has every right to go get classified documents back by force, but if that’s all this was - just like “give us our shit back” - it will probably be a minor political disaster.


Because he’s a white nationalist. Imagine being old as fuck and sitting around in a La-Z-Boy stewing in fear from the idea that aMeRiCa wOn’T bE mAJoRiTy wHiTe some day.


If he’s not here I’m sure he’s doing well.

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(If you don’t know, Duncan did a 179-episode podcast on the history of Rome)


Nixon dicked himself over keeping incriminating materials for no reason and he was orders of magnitude smarter than Trump.

I’m guessing the explanation for why Trump was storing these things is incredibly dumb, like he just forgot about them or something .



Since the entire Republican party is still kissing Trump’s ass, how does this all play out in 2024 if DeSantis wins the primary and he starts claiming he was cheated?

relistening to it now!

learned that the only difference between the patricians and the plebs was the patricians could trace their bloodlines to the original founders of the republic. so the plebs in the senate or in politics were just like the richest of the dudes who came later, they weren’t there to represent the working class.

Exclusive pics of FBI raid



Double civil war?

It makes sense if the documents are extremely valuable and he considers them his personal cash cow when he sells them to sell to the highest bidding foreign adversary

There’s no way any of that is the case


God I hope not, but if he is, I take solace in the fact that I’ve talked so much shit on racists and white nationalists to his face, that he knows exactly what I think of scum like that. And he had to (or chose to) go along with it and pretend to agree.

Biden likely walks to a second term in that scenario which is why everybody should be rooting for desantis. Trump could probably die tomorrow and still get 5M write in votes

Something like Rudy told him, mid black-dyed flop sweat, that he could declassify them just by thinking it, thus making keeping them totally legal, but destroying them a crime. Then crazy Kraken lady nodded enthusiastically, as Mike Lindell smoked crack in the corner and yelled about voting machines.

Did you really think there was a chance it was something other than this? Like his core issue being “immigration” was some kind of technical policy wonkish bullshit? It’s never that with Fox News watchers. It’s always white nationalism.

I don’t know. He seems pretty disciplined with this kind of stuff. The guy never uses email or texts that can be traced back to him. My money is on something really bad like intel he either is, or planning to sell. How sick would it be if we were monitoring communications from another country and they intercepted plans to some top secret shit to them? Yeah, I’m writing my own little novel in my head lol

Well I’m not sure the degree of inherent racism vs Fox News brainwashing. He seems convinced there are terrorists, drug dealers, and coyotes coming across the border by the thousands and that Joe Biden has an open borders policy with no attempts to stop anyone coming in illegally. Once I cut through that bullshit, if he sticks to the position, then I know.

Theres some truth to this.

But I’m worried that Garland probably cares more about some nothing burger secret document than everyone else would.