The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I think the favourite is that this is a political nothing burger or a net negative.

Anyone internally saying this was probably overruled by the very serious national security types telling everyone about how this was triple A top SAP ultra pinky swear secret and how the rules had to be followed and documents retrieved.





No clue what this means but



What are the chances that J6 and all the other out in the open crimes pale in comparison to what this search warrant was really for like selling top secret classified info to Saudi Arabia and other countries to enrich the family coffers?

This has the potential to ensnare so much shit and so many people within the Republican party imo

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If it was TOP SECRET enough to merit this response, they wonā€™t be able to tell us exactly what he did.

Apparently many if not all the documents are now unclassified

Ah well nevertheless

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From his Wikipedia:

On December 20, 2021, the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack called for an interview with Perry, the first time it publicly sought to question a sitting member of Congress. Perry declined the request the next day. The panelā€™s chairperson said it had evidence from several witnesses that Perry had ā€œan important roleā€ in efforts to install Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark as acting attorney general as part of attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.

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dont worry guys

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Even during the 2016 primaries most normal people were petrified that someone like Trump would be a national security nightmare. Even if he was able to declassify everything, what is the penalty for selling military contingency plans and strategies, nuclear weapons secrets, and god know what else? It would make perfect sense to me that it was something like thisā€¦ Something so treasonous, so derelict in putting the nation at great peril, that finally lit the fire under Garlandā€™s ass to act no matter what. I also think they got a wealth of J6 info and other incriminating stuff as well. Even you must be adjusting the odds somewhat on there finally being accountability

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where has suzzler been? hope heā€™s well

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seems like heā€™s just not posting here

my twitter experience the last 24 hours has been diving in, reading a few threads of breathless masturbatory nonsense of all the convoluted #wegothim pathways there are now, and then feeling quite sad that people are this far gone, taking a step back until I recuperate, and then diving back in




lol if only we were so lucky


Welp, thatā€™ll be it, Trump 2024 for commonWeatlhDad.

Ten more boxes? Maybe heā€™s just a hoarder.