The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

he probably truly believes that “she’s one of the good ones”, if that helps.

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More We Got Hims!

Think it’s “moo”.


Just forever lol on getting trump’s tax returns still being a thing in 2022.


If only someone in Trump’s camp had been in possession of a document providing this accounting YESTERDAY.

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I’ll take no on that, would prefer winner to charity but can do to you if I lose also I don’t care, reply booked to book. End of day friday?

I want at least 2:1 tho haha :)

My first job in the AF (as the aforementioned dumbass 2nd Lt) was on a SAP/SAR program. The classification level has been lowered, which is why I can even type that sentence. When I worked on it, its existence wasn’t allowed to be acknowledged, much less the actual purpose of the program.

We had the fear of god and the devil drilled into us. If we released or mishandled materials in any way, we could have been charged with any number of crimes, up to and including treason. And we’d be charged in civilian, special court…the UCMJ was not applicable, even to active duty officers.

If the materials he took were SAP/SAR, this is definitely not a nothingburger. The outcome may be, but the crime is not.


If the outcome is a nothingburger, then the crime is a nothingburger.

Maybe not for people in the Air Force, but definitely for Trump.


Ok so maybe he didn’t just copy and return the original because he didn’t want to admit he had taken it in the first place. Naughty.

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What kind of odds would you want?

ETA - saw grue and you are already negotiating so I guess try and work that out but if not i would be interested in NO also and negotiable on odds.


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West Virginia v EPA is exhibit A for that not being true anymore. Although I’m sure they’ll still selectively do it for cases they don’t want to deal with.

Gonna be great when Trump is charged with crimes so secret we can’t be told what they are. That ought to settle everybody down.


He is under double-secret probation

It’s not like he’s already

  1. outed secret operatives
  2. enabled the murder of an American journalist


Too bad Lionel Hutch passed away.

Is Lionel Hutz available?


You are absolutely lighting money on fire because even if Trump is getting indicted, it’s not going to be by the end of next week. Not if the just took 15 boxes that constitute evidence of this crime yesterday. For the record, I am not booking this!