The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Could be, but Trump does not read. Probably a DVD.


Yeah if nothing comes out of this, heā€™s winning in 2024 and Garland should leave the country when he does.

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Ice T is now a sergeant.

Well thereā€™s my Dad, if heā€™s being honest. And he talked a lot of shit on Trump over the last six years, soā€¦

Itā€™s the bootlickers who think the president should get to do what he wants without any harassment, and in four years you decide if he gets four more and if not then heā€™s done but no criminal accountability. And if he tries to steal it, well, no big deal as long as he fails.

Right, all while pulling the lever for the party that wants to keep America white and get her out of here. Like itā€™s not hypothetical anymore, nor is it easy to pretend it is. His actions have consequences.

Yeah Iā€™m going to take some time. Thanks.

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Detective Sergeant.

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Right but since sheā€™s currently going through the immigration system, it matters a great deal whoā€™s running it, and that will be made clear. People he would vote for running that system and being cogs in that system have already caused her immense time, stress, money, and tears. So far if thereā€™s a judgement call to be made, they will fuck you. If thereā€™s a chance to force you to come out of pocket for more money notarizing some stupid document they can ā€œloseā€ well oops itā€™s gone. Iā€™ve seen the effects of that on her, so this is a very big deal to me on a personal level.

Iā€™m more of a wait and see kind of guy, but my suspicion is that the documents will be something that Republicans will spin as a nothing burger and Democrats will spin as a legitimate national security threat.

Iā€™m not sure if the House and Senate intelligence committees will be briefed on this before the August recess is over, but I assume they will be, since signs suggest this is related to counterintelligence.

Does Garland think this is something worth addressing in a press conference?


This is my thing. Trump would never keep any documents that incriminate him alone. He would destroy them without a second thought.


Yeah Republicans are going to abolish the FBI and replace it with a fundamentally political ā€œlaw enforcementā€ agency

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Yea I just forayed into twitter for the first time and I have to take tilt breaks, Iā€™m gonna snap on some people soon, bein tryin really hard not to

people so badly want to believe things arent completely fubar, I get it, but itā€™s approaching head in sand levels

that said Iā€™ll still put $100 down on trump being indicted for something by end of next week

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Yeah this is what I was trying to get at. Even for lol Dems this has to bring some hope because if they dont indict now 1) big win for Trump '24 and 2) these guys are all going to the camps or, best case, are going to be harassed by the Trump/Desantis installed FBI/IRS in 2025 after literally everyone employed there now is fired and replaced with MAGA loyalists.

So Im hopeful BUT if they dont indict now, big win for Republicans.

They truly donā€™t get that. At all. Theyā€™re true believers in these institutions against all available evidence.

Meh. Johnny ā€œDockā€ Dougherty of the IBEW got his house raided so many times he made a show of bringing coffee and donuts for his ā€œguestsā€. Only the last time they got someone to flip on him and he was tried and convicted. And he did tons of community service stuff out of the goodness of his heart/pre-pay off any jury pool.

Well known to have heavy influence in local NJ and Philly politics (his brother is in the state Supreme Court even).

Youā€™re making my point.

The premise is that republicans are going to freak out and overreact to any search of Trump. So, theyā€™re not going to search him for nothing.

Iā€™m old enough to remember when the problem was that Garland was too afraid to do anything to Trump. Now I guess itā€™s that Garland is too (somethingā€”unclear what?) to indict Trump despite authorizing a search of Trumpā€™s home.

The cynicism on this stuff has been largely warranted to this pointā€”my point, though, is that obtaining a warrant to search his home marks a turning point. It is obviously different than searching the random losers Trump surrounds himself with.

We know that they got a warrant to go into his house. We know that uber weak-tight Garland approved it. We know Trumpworld isnā€™t blasting the actual contents of the warrant all over media.

I donā€™t know, maybe nothing will happen, but I just donā€™t see how you can look at what we know now, less than 24 hours in, and start spiking the ball on ā€œnothing matters ol Donny Trump wriggles away againā€ etc etc.


I think they indict him and like six years later the SCOTUS rules 6-3 that Trump is immune from all prosecution. Heā€™s probably dead by the time the legality of prosecuting a former president gets resolved.


Donā€™t threaten me with a huge party.


If he was dead they wonā€™t even rule. SCOTUS in particular doesnā€™t deal with mute (moot?) cases.