The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

If he was selling classified shit to Putin that would be one thing. If it’s just a ticky-tacky mishandling documents crime, this is going to be a three-ring shitshow. Expect endless “What about Hillary?” takes from Tucker Carlson.

I thought TFG meant “this fuckkin’ guy.”


Ah. Well I’m definitely not putting any money on “surely they can’t be that stupid/ineffectual” ever again.

I also don’t think they’re smart enough for this to be 4D chess intended to galvanize MAGA support for Trump and goad him into running again. But that could end up being the effect.

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Hot take but this plays right into Trump’s persecution narrative. Especially when nothing is going to come out of this. It will just be one more grievance or example of goverment overreach they can point to that the typical low info voter will not like.

Any actual negative consequences for Trump has to be like a 25-1 longshot. Especially because LOL DOCUMENTS.



If they didn’t have this grievance, they’d just make up a different one, so this doesn’t affect how energized the MAGA crowd is.

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Exactly. Who are the people not already voting for Trump that are like, “the FBI raided his house?! I’m voting for him!”


Having your home raided by a politically motivated FBI over something minor or made up(which is how a lot of people will see it) plays to a much wider cross-section of people than caravans and the like imo.

It’s pretty much the exact scenario that the 2A maniacs spend their lives jerking off and why many of them own guns or are sympathetic to those who do.

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I don’t think it wins him any new voters in the general, but I can see it helping in primaries to rile up his base and convince some former Trump supporters that were wavering that they still need a fighter like Trump rather than someone like DeSantis.

I could see Trump using it as some sort of attack that DeSantis let this raid happen in Florida while he was governor.


Winning elections is about turning out the pool of people who would possibly vote for you. Not changing people’s minds. This could easily trigger the yall queda types to vote en masse. Especially in the mid terms where they may have stayed home with Trump off the ballot.

If this triggers some avalanche of prosecution then sure, that’s bad for Trump. But does anyone here think that is happening?


This is what I’m leaning towards given that Trump and his people don’t seem concerned at all, even beyond their normal nonchalance when law breaking.

Just a huge PR stunt for them.

if you are implying Dems should be voting for Trump in the R primary that is very dumb. Desantis has a much better shot h2h vs Trump than Biden does

It’s not like DeSantis is an improvement over Trump. What matters is whether Biden (or another Dem) would do better against Trump or Biden in the general election.

I think Trump whining about the FBI raid is a beta move that will hurt his popularity. It feels weak. It’s like Jeb! complaining about debate moderation. You never look good when you’re whining about how unfair the game is.

The real Declaration of Independence signed by Jesus. :trump_approves:

But seriously I bet it’s some petty stuff like Lincoln’s watch. :transmet_smiley:

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I understand your thought process

But we know what’s going to happen

Same thing that always happens.


Thanks for sharing that. I’m sure he’d be a great grandfather, but I’m not sure I can look past this. He’s great to my girlfriend to her face, but now that I know what I know… Ugh.

A big part of me wishes he’d just kept up the facade.

UGA football and the Braves both won a title in the same year. miracles do occasionally happen.

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He will say she’s one of the good ones and he doesnt mean her. He will mean that part too.

It’s just othering.

I’ve done this dance with people. Sometimes you can do it for things like children. Sometimes you can’t if it’s too visceral. Take some time on this.


It really feels like those sources are Trump, his family, and/or his lawyers.

It’s going to be an overdue book from the library of congress, isn’t it?