The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

The Twitter eDems really thought this one through. Let’s remind everyone of the time Hillary also violated record keeping laws! Straight up doing Fox News’s whataboutism job for them.


He’s the president, going to be way harder to get him on anything even vaguely related to political speech.

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Yeah the difference here is they got a search warrant for his home. Categorically different.

Pretty surprised at how quickly the cynicism has reasserted itself, tbh. They’re not going to get a warrant to break into Donald Trump’s safe and then just gjge.

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Hopefully they brought along plumbers to check the traps.


Why not? We had months of Muller hearings and then it was gjge. This big 1/6 hearing is all a nothingburger so far. Wake me up when he’s actually charged with something


I mean

ring ring “Hello?”
“Yeah this is the FBI we’re coming in the morning to execute a search warrant”
“Oh great, plenty of time for us to get anything incriminating into the bomb shelter”

is certainly on the table

Dude the Mueller investigation and 1/6 investigations have included dozens of warrants. We got him is a meme for a reason.

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Because the political response is going to be significant, which we’re seeing now.

Edit To clarify, because I don’t think I was clear: I think DOJ does not approve a warrant here unless they are serious because they know that the search is going to lead to massive political backlash and make everyone involved in it a political target for any ambitious Republican.

Yeah, this warrant is different. You don’t agree?

I think this is most likely.

The response is going to be a talking point that the Republicans can rally around for the midterms.

It’s not different in any significant way.

No, I do not agree. This is highly likely to end the same way the last 100 things Neal Katyal and Popehat and Preet Bharara orgasmed over.


You think the political response is going to hurt him?

Just look at this shit. Imagine breathlessly following along in August, 2022. Democrats are every bit as easily scammed as Alex Jones viewers.

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No, I’m talking about the political response (and accompanying scrutiny) to the people carrying out the investigation.

LOL yup, complete nothingburger.


What is TFG?

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So basically an unfunny let’s go Brandon