The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall for such conversations. God knows what Trump said about things like destroying democracy in America during conversations with other “world leaders” like Vladdy.

He could just copy something like that.

Yeah but his stupid quid pro quo mindset would be “if the national archives want these what are they going to give me for them”?

Now he knows.


+780 is way too high because you need to consider Trump derailing in 2024 if he doesn’t win the nomination or him winning the nomination, in which case Biden’s corpse is a coin flip. The Trump dilemma is being under estimated.

Unless you think Trump just accepts losing to DeSantis. “He beat me fair and square”.

The calmness of Trump and his kids and the obviously heavily orchestrated right wing PR response makes me think this might just be his latest and greatest PR stunt.

Trump obviously steals government documents-> right wing FBI agents, “look, I don’t want to make a big deal about this just give them back,” Trump: “here you go…” FBI agent: “dude, I can see thousands more right over there behind that wall, please don’t make me do this the hard way, just hand them over….” Trump: “the hard way would be great for me actually, let’s do that…… kthxbye”


Trump lawyer Christina Bobb, who said she was present for Monday’s search, told NBC News that Trump and his team have been “cooperative with FBI and DOJ officials every step of the way,” while adding that the bureau “did conduct an unannounced raid and seized paper.”

siezed paper

Ok, so there go my theories.

It does.

Yea, morning after and it’s already starting to feel like a sensationalized nothingburger.


2:1 favorite a Democrat ends up charged by a future GOP justice department as part of a revenge probe than a Trump family member being charged as part of this one.


May be a nothingburger, but how do you “sensationalize” a search warrant executed at the home of a former President?


If they don’t indict Trump for real crimes after this it is going to be a huge problem.

I’m guessing you can probably check Occupy Democrats twitter page or something similar for good examples. Mabye Preet’s got some good ones too.

Why? They are simply going to say the raid was to get the material back and now that they have no need to “over politicize” the midterms.

These are the same people who announced a probe into Clinton 37 seconds before voting. They are all in on it.

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Yeah, but all of the real players have been largely silent. The FBI did an all-day search at Mar-a-lago and we didn’t know about it until it was over. Prominent Democrats have been extremely reserved in their responses. Of course, the media will cover it. It’s not like this kind of thing happens every day. I think though that the DOJ does need to answer some questions about this sooner rather than later before speculation on both sides gets out of hand.

Then this raid will turn out to be a terrible event for Democrats and a galvanizing event for Trump ‘24.

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Sounds about right.

I guess I’m skeptical that the Federal Records Act is the one magical law that will actually be enforced against Trump.


Except that it has hard evidence associated with it, while inciting the insurrection doesn’t seem to have much of a paper trail.