The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

And craps 'em out like Gaetz the next day.

DullSantis is just sitting there imo.

Dull DeSantis is exactly why DeSantis is going to crush this thing. Dull is why they like him. He will get ALL of the ā€œrationalā€ and ā€œconservativeā€ thinkers. DeSantis will pick up enough of the far right just due to his vaccine stance. I think yā€™all are MASSIVELY underestimating how well DeSantis will do if he decides to run.


I think there is a lane for him, 3 years is a long time.

Suburban types are a huge part of the GOP and he has a long time to plant the ā€œdude was great but heā€™s losing it and I can actually winā€ seeds. Donā€™t underestimate the guy, he is a hyper elite politician.

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A lot of Bidenā€™s appeal was that he was a boring old white guy so I could see DeSantis peeling off some Dem voters who think heā€™s more neutral than he actually is, too.

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We are not going to get all out war between Trump and DeSantis. We are not that lucky.

If you wanted a wedge issue to peel Q-pilled voters from Trump, vaccines would do it.

Yeah, I know.

Ronnie is not a dumb as he acts. Pro play is to be bend the knee. Take VP and then get two terms after that.

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Iā€™m not sure being Trumps VP for 4 years gives any pres equity. Your only two options are to fight daddy trump or else come out with ultra cuck vibes. Trump never going to endorse his VP for successor anyway.

Also. Trump didnt accept an election he lost. Why would be accept a term limit when heā€™s had another 4 years of entrenchment and 8 additional years of the right wing embracing fascism?

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Iā€™m definitely on team WAAF, but even I donā€™t see this happening.

Thereā€™s meaningful pres equity just from him dying of natural causes.

do you not understand how primaries work

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He is desperately hoping Trump isnā€™t going to run again.

And maybe Iā€™m wrong and he will challenge Trump, but if he does he will get the Ted Cruz Reek treatment.


Was kinda hoping heā€™d go with ā€œDickless DeSantisā€

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well done with catsup? or biggest piece of chocolate cake?

pro play is to do that at the last possible time, like 1 week before iowa corn eating contest, err i mean debates.

I think itā€™s too late. Antivaxxers are a full blown cult, they are not going to be shaken by anything anyone says. The only thing that changes antivaxxer minds is personal consequences.

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Itā€™s really going to come down to whether Trumpā€™s cult of personality can overpower the antivaxxer cult.

ā€œI personally created these incredible vaccines and now theyā€™re being stolen from you by MEXICANS!ā€ might be strong enough to win them back.

Another factor in a potential Trump vs Desantis matchup are the Trump voters who have become disappointed by Trump not actually delivering on his promises. On cp there are def some MAGA chuds who are furious because thereā€™s no border wall and Trump was too cozy with Israel and etc. Desantis can credibly say heā€™s actually going to build the big magical wall that Trump couldnā€™t deliver.


Itā€™s not the vaccine anyway, itā€™s the antiviral treatments. Anti-Vaxxers were always ok with things like monoclonal antibodies because reasons.

Maybe. I think that theyā€™ll always find a way to balance conflicting narratives in their head. Contemporary American conservatives arenā€™t exactly renowned for their internally consistent points of view. They hold directly contradictory points of view on all kinds of stuff. Theyā€™ll have no problem simultaneously thinking that vaccines are bad and itā€™s bad that the government gives them to black people but not white people.