The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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“Not smart, not honest with a bad haircut and an ill-fitting suit”. :thinking:


it’s like he’s describing himself

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Wait…is he saying Desantis was banging Emerald Robinson?

Thing is that rational conservatives don’t exist. A few play the role professionally but deep down they’re hogs just like the rest.

Trump has a cult and it doesn’t matter what he says or does. He makes aggrieved white people feel like they matter by responding to the same news they do in the same way. Everything else doesn’t matter. He could be the Zodiac Killer and nobody would care.

DeSantis is either gonna hope that Trump croaks before the election or bend the knee as VP and ride that to the presidency later on. Trust me these GOP pieces of shit are all cucks. Look at Ted Cruz as the prime example.

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Besides trump dying itself, one of the best things after he goes will be all the times “Sir, you are no Donald J. Trump” that will be delivered at every potential GOP candidate.

If he survives another 15 years he’s going to get some beautiful in memoriam tributes from the Edems of the day. I didn’t always agree with him but he respected the office not like our current president mechafacist 3.0

Ugh. Made the mistake of googling her. Yuck.

DeSantis really does seem like the optimal VP pick for trump. He really needs someone to fill the Pence role, a “legitimate” republican who can give the trad countryclubbers enough pretense to hold their nose and vote for him, but he also needs someone who will play ball and won’t care about norms the way Pence did. The number of people who can check both of those boxes has to be single digits.

Rugby is right here. No way Trump is accepting term limits if he gets in again.

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I mean, after all the obstruction and the China virus, the first term doesn’t even count!

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If Trump is dissing DeSantis already, I don’t see them forming a pact for 2024. Assuming DeSantis wins his next Governor’s election this November, his second and final term as Governor will expire two years before the 2028 election, so that might be a better time for him. But that assumes America will want a Republican after four more years of Trump. Maybe they’ll want a Democrat again. But of course, that assumes we’ll even have elections by then.

Probably a good day to stay off social media.

I believe that’s what he’s implying

Like every other day.

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This is perhaps the ideal gif for #letthemfight.

tRUmp isn’t racist enough for Coulter, she yearns for a more competent fascist.

She’s been calling him out for years, IIRC.


I thought I knew what she looked like, but you made me google also.

I found photos that looked like 10 different people. Huge range there.