The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Some actually kind of do care. When someone points out Florida Man is a moron, some are quick to go with “Well, he went to Penn. He can’t possibly be a moron.”

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Trump claims “confidential informants”, among others, were touching off the insurrection. I used to get calls from nutballs like Trump at the radio and tv stations I worked at. They’re just completely off-the-wall crazy people. They launch into a maze of absurdities that are disconnected and impossible to follow. And that’s a typical Trump speech. It still blows my mind that this guy was President of the United States for four years and could be again.

I’d rather have Trump.

Bannon said this rally would lead to decertifying the AZ 2020 result. To describe this as unhinged you’d first have to get the door back on its hinges.

So would everyone else here.


This. Absolutely no one is arguing in good faith. If the maga numbnuts find a Yale alumni who ticks all the racist boxes it’ll be fine.

And speaking of racist boxes, Trump is already taking it to the next level. Has he said before that white people are being discriminated against? He has now. Its not a dog whistle, its a bullhorn.


The 6 states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Florida.

Might as well write articles about how the Tooth Fairy might leave a dollar under your pillow.


lol yeah sure it will

What are these morons smoking?

strong “We Got Him” vibes

Left wing version of Obama Birth Certificate nonsense.

What does the average California dem voter know/think about Desantis? I would think it’s a minority that would be able to distinguish him from a generic Republican if they could even identify him as the FL governor.

I have no idea how meaningful it is but Trump was able to ride being virtually unanimously viewed as vile by coastal elites, the broader democratic base, pop culture etc… from day one.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m guessing it will be relatively deep into the primary cycle before Desantis is well-known enough to be triggering to anywhere near the degree Trump was, even if we assume he is remarkably skilled at it and it’s even possible to achieve post-Trump.

If low-info dem voters barely knows who Desantis is, I’m not sure how effective a campaign based on triggering the libs works.

Here we go


The letthemfight.gif of all letthemfight.gifs.



And we have a nickname!!! It’s “Dull Desantis.”


It won’t be much of a fight. Yea trump got booed on vaccines but it’s still a cult of personality. And Trump is the personality. Desantis will get absolutely demolished by Trump. Desantis is probably smart enough to realize this, and just wait for Trump to croak.

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Trump eats pieces of shit like DeSantis for breakfast.


Man, Trump vs Desantis is going be the silver lining on our descent into fascism.

It’s not a whole lot, but I guess it is something.

Donnie vs Ronnie

it’s a bartscottcantwait and letthemfight all rolled into one.


Then why hasn’t he ruled out running against trump like all the other gop critters?