The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Trump is stupid, and they are stupid. Maybe there’s a natural alliance. They see someone as dumb as they are making it to the most powerful position in the country and it makes them feel better about themselves.

Yup. Had to finally admit that my Trump supporting republican serious businessman friends love Trump, want to be like Trump, and want to run their businesses and treat people just like he does.

Not a ton of dumb people really see themselves (or Trump) as dumb, though. It manifests itself more as something like “This guy knows that deep down all that word salad the college folks use is bullshit, just like I always thought. I’m sick of all that ‘this issue is complicated’ and ‘it depends’ shit, deep down I knew life and politics were really simple. Finally a guy who gets it too!”


Not helped by the fact that a lot of it is total bullshit.

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OH BABY!!! This should be interesting.



I assume you’re talking FBI raid. There are so many criminals roaming around that gauche toilet palace I’m waiting to make sure the FBI wasn’t there busting some spies, pedos, tax frauds, etc just there for a $45 BLT and to pee next to Devin Nunes


OK I’ll admit it, this made me smile.

Can’t wait for his Truth Social response!

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LOL 0% chance he wrote that


Watch him really ramp up the calls for violence now. He undoubtedly wants J6 style riot violence for any required court appearances

This is when you really wish he was on twitter


I was going to say the same. A lawyer or at least a moderately literate person wrote that.

That has to be a good sign…right?


Popehat thread, with the end:


He is in NY atm, so no shootout. :queen_amused:

…currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of…

Yeah, that must suck. Maybe you should call the National Guard.

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People want to live without any obligation or duty towards fellow citizens whatsoever and this is what the American right mean when they say “freedom”. For example, if the US healthcare system were overhauled so you didn’t have to worry about in-network and out-of-network and all that stuff, a European would say “oh that’s greater freedom” but the American right would not. That’s not what they mean by the word. They specifically mean not having to do anything that involves giving a shit about the welfare of anyone else. Trump is a living God of this philosophy, he plainly has not had to give a shit about anyone for decades, that’s why people are so drawn to him. I think for a lot of people this is unconscious, but that’s all I think it is.




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