The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

Would have been funny if they had given Trump what he wanted.

This article makes me think we are drawing live to someone in the military assassinating Trump for the good of the nation if he gets a second term.


Not possible.

Can there be a containment thread for NBZ’s personal bloodlust fantasies?



Well duh… Trump was a wannabee dictator.


Also - some end stage Trump appointee gave Milley a note supposedly signed by Trump with military orders. He assumed it was fake, but it was real. A sharpie note. LOL

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And fuck this guy. Jesus Christ what a spineless weasel.

In public, Pompeo remained his staunchly pro-Trump self. The day after his secret visit to Milley’s house to commiserate about “the crazies” taking over, in fact, he refused to acknowledge Trump’s defeat, snidely telling reporters, “There will be a smooth transition—to a second Trump Administration.” Behind the scenes, however, Pompeo accepted that the election was over and made it clear that he would not help overturn the result. “He was totally against it,” a senior State Department official recalled. Pompeo cynically justified this jarring contrast between what he said in public and in private. “It was important for him to not get fired at the end, too, to be there to the bitter end,” the senior official said.


It kills me that we have literal handwritten notes from Trump telling people to do crimes that no one cares about and yet people are excited about supposedly incriminating deleted text messages.


it does feel like that, but we were just extrapolating from his mccain comments

document dumps


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That article really was something. Just lol now and forever @ “Trump is not trying to seize power.”


The note was an order to speed up the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. It was drafted by the WH “Personnel Chief” and a Fox military commentator, signed by Trump and given to the SecDef’s deputy. The deputy then walked into a meeting with the SecDef and Milley and told them to make it happen.

Milley thought it was odd that the President’s top military advisers and no one in the DoD knew anything about this. They talked Trump out of it by pointing out he had already approved a slower withdrawal, which was public knowledge. We saw what it was like withdrawing from Afghanistan in a more controlled manner.

It feels like it because we did see it before. (I haven’t looked for the ‘shoot the protesters’ one).

From September 2020:

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I mean, I get why, but it is still really difficult for me to understand how there are millions of people in this country who adore Trump. It would be hard to create a cartoon character worse than him. Just an elite combination of hostility, buffoonery, racism, and criminality. Goes to show, too, how far money can get you. The guy is exponentially stupider than G.W. Bush, yet he just keeps going, making money and elevating to the White House.


It’s pretty easy for me. 98% will never read that article. 1% will dismiss it.

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And he has a solid chance of getting a second term.

Lot more than 1% of right wingers hear the quotes in that article and they don’t only dismiss it. They proactively cite it and spread it as a treasonous, libelous plot by “the Elites.” They will say look, “Milley is openly and proudly admitting to defying and undermining the Commander and Chief. That is treason and his reasons are irrelevant, period.”

As to why they have this mindset, read this article recently in another thread and saw a lot of parallels to Trumpism in the natural reaction to it:

Lots of people will side with one supervillain if he is fucking over thousands of small villians:

Would prefer they all be fucked but reality forces me to choose one or the other, I’ll choose laughing at the thousands of small villains getting fucked.

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It’s really pretty simple, unfortunately. There are 3 main elements:

  1. There are A REALLY LOT of people who either want to kill or otherwise humiliate minorities or want others to do it while they look on. This explains why he never ever ever gets below 35% - that percentage of America loves what we find so disgusting

  2. Our government is structured close to perfectly to give the people described in 1. above the maximum possible amount of political power

  3. They’re willing to cheat and the other side doesn’t do anything in response, perfectly failing according to basic game theory

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About a third of US voters actively want to be ruled over by a fascist dictator. It’s a tough fact to accept, but it’s basic to understanding what’s going on. Anyone who lived though post-9/11 hysteria should understand.

The big difference with Trump is he adds a layer of reality TV personality worship on top of the fascism that was already part of the Republican brand.

Because they are as superficial as he is. They want someone who presents a front of “no fucks given” badassery without any concern about practicality, legality, or actual results.

Our side is too unwilling to engage in tit-for-tat behavior, when that’s probably the only thing that gets through to them.