The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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Not her first meeting with Donald Trump imo. She knew what was coming and was working early to avoid it.

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Yeah, that head dip and pull away looked practiced

So why the fuck is she there?

Because she’s anti-Lia Thomas.

Gross is gross and knows no politics.

I got that, but she doesn’t have to agree to share the stage with Orange Man. She’s a valuable commodity for that issue. She can call the shots to some extent.

If I told you that this was her brother, what would you assume about her family politics?

Her father, Brad Sr., was a standout at Vanderbilt, who is known for being tackled by Chucky Mullins and suing to try to get his college eligibility reinstated after he came out early and went undrafted. Maybe leading the SEC in receptions doesn’t matter much if your team is 1-10.

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That was a given. All I’m saying is that if she doesn’t want to risk being groped by Orange Man, she probably has the juice to make that happen.

Why would she think there is a risk of that happening in public?

LOL, was she living in a cave raised by wolves? There are plenty of photos out there of him feeling up his own daughter.

That may be why a reasonable person would be concerned, but what makes you think she’s reasonable?

Well for starters she had a clear desire not to be groped. That’s not a lot of dots to connect.



US District Judge Donald Middlebrooks, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, is weighing a joint motion to dismiss the case by Clinton, her 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta and former Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, among others. They raised the statute of limitations as one of the reasons the suit should be thrown out.

They should agree to waive the SoL just for the chance to depose

Huge if true


“Look, I don’t want any wounded guys in the parade,” Trump said. “This doesn’t look good for me.” He explained with distaste that at the Bastille Day parade there had been several formations of injured veterans, including wheelchair-bound soldiers who had lost limbs in battle.

Kelly could not believe what he was hearing. “Those are the heroes,” he told Trump. “In our society, there’s only one group of people who are more heroic than they are—and they are buried over in Arlington.” Kelly did not mention that his own son Robert, a lieutenant killed in action in Afghanistan, was among the dead interred there.

“I don’t want them,” Trump repeated. “It doesn’t look good for me.”


In the morning before the Lafayette Square photo op, Trump had clashed with Milley, Attorney General William Barr, and the Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, over his demands for a militarized show of force. “We look weak,” Trump told them. The President wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 and use active-duty military to quell the protests. He wanted ten thousand troops in the streets and the 82nd Airborne called up. He demanded that Milley take personal charge. When Milley and the others resisted and said that the National Guard would be sufficient, Trump shouted, “You are all losers! You are all fucking losers!” Turning to Milley, Trump said, “Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?”

I know we are all numb to it at this point but that article is truly astonishing, you all should read it. He’s even stupider and crazier that I previously thought.


I feel like we’ve already seen the stuff about not wanting wounded soldiers and wanting to shoot protesters, no?