The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Biden would probably do something nice like put Werther’s Originals over his dead eyes to pay the toll to old fuck afterlife


There are Republicans who really don’t like Trump, but will still vote for him over any Democrat. There are a lot of Dems who aren’t thrilled with Biden, but will come around when faced with the choice of Biden or the end of democracy. The people who won’t vote for Biden again are mostly people who don’t understand this is the choice they are facing, plus a few deluded nihilists.


For reference, dem nominee market:

So yah Biden +280, Kamala +470, Newsom +580

So pricing like a 30%ish chance Biden wins nom?

I’m on Team Wichita here. I think it’s plainly obvious that he really doesn’t want the job right now. I can’t imagine he’ll be more excited about it two years from now so much so that he says “yeah, sign me up for 4 more years of this” when he should be relaxing on an Amtrak train eating an ice cream.

The +780 line seems about right to me.

More completely unenforceable norms broken, cool.

I move that “against federal law” should now be put in quotes in every news story until they prove that


We already had that election you are describing in that post. Biden and company did zero to ensure democracy beyond 2022. Gonna be kinda difficult to vote harder going forward when the gerrymandered state legislatures can just legally bin the popular vote.

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We got him

It’s a long war with many battles. People need to stop thinking that everything can be fixed with one election.


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I think the New Jersey cemetery tax break should have a minimum requirement of five people buried to count as a cemetery. That way, Trump will be incentivized to push four of his kids down some stairs.


There’d easily be five randos (probs about 500k actually) who would gladly be buried on a Trump golf course.

Is this just a commercial thing, or can residential owners do it too?

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Yeah I saw some tax lawyer confirm it fwiw on the twitters

10 acres max is what I understand. But I think that is per cemetery company. I don’t know if anything stops him from making multiple companies and having multiple 10 acre cemeteries.

Is it possible the pyramids of Giza were just a big tax avoidance scheme?


Big “we got him” energy

Doubtful. I think those bros actually made the tax laws. Just exempting themselves would have been a hell of a lot easier than building some big ass pyramids.

Those guys tried to evade death. Tax evasion is child’s play by comparison. Hell, even Trump can do that.

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