The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Oh man no way a sitting incumbent president who sucks could get re-elected!

For Dems with the massive structural disadvantages+the recent riggage? No, they can’t.

Clinton and Obama were massively popular. Biden has like a 25% approval rating and even within his own party isn’t popular. Trump still had like a 90% approval rating with the GOP in 2020.

So if you put $100 on each of them, you’re guaranteed a profit as long as one of them wins?

Anyways if +780 is free money let’s see some bet slips?

Bush wasn’t popular. Trump damn near won in 2020 despite not being popular. You’re massively underestimating the incumbency advantage. If he runs he’s way over the 10% or whatever chance you give them.

Didn’t realize Bush was a Dem. He was also polling double digits better than Biden is now nationally. It’s apples and oranges.

Also lol at this. That’s my entire point. He isn’t a huge favorite to even run. Dude is old, barely functional and about to get impeached 5x while the country struggles through the next few years. Quitting is way more likely than running and winning.

I’ll take he doesn’t run again (as of whatever election day 2024 is, he needs to be the active candidate not just on the ballot) vs. he wins re-election up to 1k. If he runs and loses it is a push. Available to all regs by midnight eastern today.

Inflation though. Massive game changer.


2024 is a long way away. Biden is definitely above 10 percent based solely on incumbency plus who knows what happens in the next two years.

Somebody’s not going to survive Trump vs. Biden “The Rematch”. Probably me.


He’s so fucking old. The dude can barely talk.

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If that line was live only if he runs and makes it through the election alive then +780 seems kinda nuts. If it included the odds of him not running or dying then it seems reasonable.

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The last president to just not run after four years was Hayes in 1881. I can’t claim to know the inner workings of Biden, but when did a baby boomer politician ever just walk away from power? Counting on that seems pretty weak. You could bank on a challenge from… who exactly? Newsom?

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Seems like free money is 7 posts above from yours then.

Also the Biden IMCUMBENT ADVANTAGE. Hilarious.

LBJ walked after four years and change.

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Imagine Biden biting it during a debate and Trump mocking him for dying. “The only thing more dead than Deep Sleep Joe is this economy. I like my presidents like I like my economies: alive and kicking.”

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LBJ walked after barely winning the New Hampshire primary.

Coolidge left after serving one full term.

5 and change

I’m sadder at the idea of Trump having a fatal heart attack during a debate and Biden being too well-mannered to speak ill of the dead.