The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Course in this pic looks like a local muni, is that really where they’re playing?

Yeah it’s called the “fuck you I’ll do whatever I want” bill.

Yeah I’m starting to wonder if Bernie had beaten the media, the democratic party and trump he wouldn’t have had “an accident” at the hands of his own protection.

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btw Trump already keeps goats on that very same golf course to get a farm-use tax break.

“that makes me smart”

I mean, yeah. This is trump in his true medium

I personally think it’s rad that there’s a tax incentive for me to bury bodies on my property.


I for one would like Trump to know that I support him 100% and would like to see him run third party against Dipshit DeSantis!

There’s someone claiming on Twitter that Trump is charging Ivana’s estate for burial fees, maintenance and… membership fees! Lol… I hope it’s true. That’s just amazing dedication to the scumminess.

Those minimum food spends have to be tough.


I’ve identified @SweetSummerChild, it’s Rusty Bowers!

Lol “my vote will never tarnish [Trump’s] name on a ballot” is not the best way to say that.

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They want more palatable fascists, got it




Look at all those ReTruths!

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He’s recovering well? From dementia?

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Desantis almost even with Trump on betfair for 2024 (+350 vs +370, Biden +780 lol)

Biden +780 seems nuts. Incumbents have such an advantage.

Yeah, that’s absolutely insane. Even if he doesn’t win, there has to be a hedge/arbitrage opportunity at some point.

Probably more about whether he runs than anything given there are other dems near him odds wise. Apologies for not using the US style odds ie. bet $1 win $4.70 (so $3.70 profit)

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When do we get our Donald Trump. Millions of MAGA faithful got so pumped by this today. It works on every level because imagine he is just trolling instead of serious.

Biden getting re-elected would be a crazy long shot. He sucks and things are much more rigged than 2020. Plus his corpse level is going to go from a 6 to a 8 or 9 by 2024. And objectively, in reality, his term will be one where things got shittier.

Maybe there is some small value at +780 but in my estimation he has less than a 10% chance. Good chance he doesn’t run and if he does he won’t win. He is historically unpopular and a complete failure so far. Hard to see how two years of a Republican house impeaching him and investigating Hunter helps him. Him quitting at the end of this term has to be a huge favorite.