The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Trump voters are seeking to secure a future for their white children?

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Anyone want to ELI5 this one for me?

Here’s how he explains it

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this is essentially correct, quiverfull effect

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Not sure if people got my 14 words reference.

So white=right

Or in other terms

Poor White Trash=Trump.

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Just securing your bona fides for your social media review hearing in 2026.


That will never happen because the MAGAfascists are big believers in FREEZE PEACH.


This is truly Cancel Culture Run Amok. AMOK I SAY!

The brain of a 5 year old

This is an insult to 5 year olds everywhere.

But you only used 12?

This secret service thing seems awful and it’s getting worse

Nothing will happen

Ah, so basically the opening 5 minutes of Idiocracy. Got it.

holy shit I mean burying ivana at the club seemed weird but sort of on-brand for trump, but what the fuck she’s like in the middle of the 13th fairway


Trump probably drives over it on his way to the green.


There’s another angle that makes it seem like the picture in that tweet is shopped

How do you bury somebody on a golf course? Are there no regulations about this? Can I sell burial plots in my back yard?

yeah legate is a bit of a troll at times so this tracks and it definitely looks a little weird on the perspective