The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



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Honestly, this shouldn’t be very hard. Half of Russian Intelligence just waltzed into Mar a Lago.

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Top 6 states for GDP per capita are deep blue and the only red states in the top 20 are there because they have natural resources.

yeah but they were invited

this is a bad take

we’re basically looking at genocide if texas secedes.



r u serious? I mean they’re not going to have overt extermination camps but they are absolutely gonna marginalize minorities, deny them healthcare etc and cause deaths.

Texas seceding would create some immigration quandaries. Would Texans renounce their citizenship as part of the secession?

They’re already doing these things anyway, and allowing Texas to secede peacefully would spare a lot more lives than trying to force it to stay. I’d much prefer my tax dollars be used to subsidize relocation for low income people in red states than having it used to fight another civil war.

Anecdotally, the number of threads in r/massachusetts started by people moving in from red states has noticeably increased in the past couple months.

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Nobody’s seceding.

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Not today. Looking ahead 10-20 years might be a different story.

they would massively accelerate it in any secession scenario

I don’t think they would leave either, why would they when they’ve captured the judiciary and have rigged most of the legislative elections.

If they murder enough women and people from Mexican countries then maybe their electricity grid will be able to withstand a cold day.

An American Civil War 2 isn’t going to look like Texas secedes or whatever. idk what it looks like, but we don’t really have a “blue state/red state” division in the US but rather an urban/rural cultural divide.

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i would hypothesize that any future internal US conflict would be over water more than anything else. i’m not entirely sure how that plays out since the top 6 or 7 states that are most likely to be in dire need are likely to be split politically… some combination of oregon/colorado/cali/new mexico and then utah/texas/oklahoma/kansas/arizona

Yeah, chapo lads say it’s gonna be more Syria. Lots of disparate group in the wilds trying to capture the cities.

Once Georgia reverts to red (this cycle, for good), the Southern Bloc will be as politically homogenous and vindictive as it’s been in oh about 160 years.